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General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 80
Max Stability: 10
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 32
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 210
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Beagle Probe
Ammo LRM
M Laser
Right Torso Guardian ECM
M Laser
Left Arm Heat Sink
Right Arm Heat Sink


Designed by Hollis Incorporated as a platform to sell Magna Metals engines, the Cyclone A1 began mass-manufacture in 2631 and fell out of production when the Star League fell, only returning in the 3060s. Sporting a Magna 210XL Fusion engine, the Cyclone A1 can reach and maintain speeds up to 118kph. Sold as a Scout Mech, the A1 features both a Guardian ECM Suite and a Beagle Active Probe which leaves just enough space for its light weapons payload consisting of a pair of Longfire V LRM 5s in the arms and a pair of Magna Mk II Medium Lasers in the side torsos.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Missile: 2
Support: 3
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 95
Max Stability: 12
Max Heat: 15
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 34
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso Flamer
Left Torso Ammo LRM
M Laser
Right Torso M Laser
Ammo MG
Left Arm Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Arm Heat Sink
Heat Sink


A downgrade of the original A1 variant, the Cyclone A3 was produced throughout the Amaris Civil War and all four Succession Wars. Replacing the 210XL Fusion engine with an ultra-reliable Magna 150 Fusion engine made the A3 cost half as much as the A1 variant. While the A3 retains the Magna MkII Medium Lasers and Longfire V LRM 5s, the ECM Suite and Active Probe are replaced by a pair of Sperry Browning Machine Guns and a Zippo Flamer.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Support: 2
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 95
Max Stability: 20
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 44
Alpha: 45
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso M Laser
Right Torso M Laser
Left Arm Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Arm Heat Sink
Heat Sink


The Cyclone A3P refit became popular in the late 2960s and became the primary variant produced, under license, by Luthien Armor Works in the Draconis Combine until the design was retired in the 3060s. The A3P retains the Magna 150 Fusion engine and Magna Mk II Medium lasers of the A3 but replaces the remainder of the weapons payload for a PPC and an extra heat sink. The Luthien production runs of the A3P variant were the first Cyclones to feature lower arm and hand actuators.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 110
Max Stability: 30
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 44
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso Guardian ECM
Left Torso ER M Laser
Thunderbolt 5
Ammo T-Bolt5
Right Torso ER M Laser
Thunderbolt 5
Ammo T-Bolt5
Left Arm Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Heat Sink (D)


After the discovery of the Helm Memory Core and the development of several key technologies, Magna Metals Inc. revisited the Cyclone design in 3055. The B2 variant features an Endo-Steel chassis paired with a 180L Fusion Engine to make room for a pair of advanced Hellcat Class 5 Thunderbolt 5 launchers with a ton of ammunition each and a pair of Magna Mk VI ER Medium Lasers. Further differences from the previous A3 variant come in the form of Double Heat Sinks, lower arm and hand actuators, and the reintroduction of the Guardian ECM Suite. The Cyclone B2 found only a tepid response from military buyers as the Thunderbolt missiles are susceptible to being rendered ineffectual by Anti-Missile Systems.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 1
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 110
Max Stability: 20
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 65
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 210
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso Guardian ECM
Left Torso ER M Laser
Right Torso ER M Laser
Left Arm Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Heat Sink (D)


After the lack-luster reaction to the Cyclone B2 in most markets, Magna Metals Inc., in collaboration with Hollis Incorporated, developed the C1 variant. The Cyclone C1 is built around the same Magna 210XL engine of the A1 variant. Using the same Endo-Steel chassis of the B2, the C1 replaces the weapons payload of the B2 with a Magna Firestar ER PPC, a pair of Magna Mk VI ER Medium Lasers, a Guardian ECM Suite, and an additional Double Heat Sink.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Engine Sales Platform
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 4
Energy: 2
Support: 2
Speed 7/10/0
Firepower Max Damage: 130
Max Stability: 40
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 480
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 48
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Ammo AC/5
ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso Ammo AC/5
ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Left Arm LAC/5
Right Arm LAC/5


Designed by request of House Davion and in cooperation with the New Avalon Institute of Science, the Cyclone D1 stands apart from the rest of the Cyclone family. The D1 sports a Mydron Snakekiller Light Autocannon 5 in each arm backed up with a Magna VI ER Medium Laser and one ton of ammunition in each side torso. This variant is also built on the same Endo-Steel chassis as the B2 but drops the lower arm and hand actuators and utilizes a Magna 180XL engine.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Arena Knife-Fighter
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Support: 5
Melee: 1
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 89
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 25
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 42
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 210
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso S Laser
Left Torso M Pulse
Right Torso Ammo Plasma
Plasma Rifle
Left Arm Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Heat Sink (D)
Retractable Blade (Fixed)


Piloted by Haley 'Hail Storm' Flannigan, this custom variant strode onto the Solaris arenas in the 3062 season. Built off of the Cyclone C1 variant, Flannigan's Cyclone replaces the ER PPC with an advanced Ceres Arms Crusher Plasma Rifle, much to the pyrotechnic enjoyment of the crowd. This variant also drops the ER Medium Lasers and ECM Suite entirely in favor of a pair of repurposed Retractable Blades for close-in knife fighting.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

This model has a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 30T
Stock Role Gladiator
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 3
Energy: 3
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 20
Max Stability: 6
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 582
Structure: 256
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 6
Melee Kick: 30
Punch: 15
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Cyclone Easy to Maintain (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Targeting Computer [Light]
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso Autocannon FCS
Ammo RAC/2
Ammo RAC/2
Rotary AC/2


The Cyclone might have started life as a way to sell Magna Metals engines but it quickly blossomed into a reliable, respectable 'Mech that any MechWarrior could be proud to drive. This Cyclone, lovingly named Typhoon by its former owner, is one such design. Armed with a solitary weapon, a Rotary AC/2, Typhoon is named such because it just turns into a whirlwind of bullets the second it hits the ground in the arenas. The RAC/2 is assisted by a Targeting Computer and a Fire Control System for maximum effectiveness and its two tons of ammo is protected by CASE II.


Mech Quirk: Easy To Maintain

Fast Refits. Mech variants can be assembled with only 1 part as long as you have sufficient parts from other variants to complete it.

Pilot Affinity: Agile

Gains 1 bonus evasion from movement


Mech not found with any factions, it's probably obtained from Game World contracts or an event!'

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout