Phantom - Pilot

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Pilot Phantom.png
General Data
Callsign Phantom
Name Alioth Liadar
Age 40
Gender Male
Faction Periphery
Health 3
Gunnery 3
Piloting 5
Guts 3
Tactics 4
Command ExperiencePeriphery
Vehicle Crew


Alioth is a scion of a deposed Outworld Alliance noble house, or possibly the youngest son of a Periphery crime lord, or a war orphan created by the border skirmish. The story changes each time he tells it. Some digging reveals a surname of Liadar, but he never uses it. Nor will he say the name of the planet his noble family ruled, for he vowed to forget in exchange for his freedom.

He is broadly educated, with several general tech certifications that promise he's unlikely to break things. He can pilot small shuttles and aircraft as well as tanks and hovercraft. He's comfortable in low gravity. He has dozens of stories about his time as an assassin for varying Periphery powers. And he has an uncanny knack for showing up unexpectedly, usually right behind somebody talking about him. It's just possible that everything he claims is true. But is it likely?




Part of the Tank Crew character origins starting option. Can be found as a random starting pilot or in hiring halls.