General Data | |
'Mech Type | BattleMech |
Class | LIGHT |
Weight | 30T |
Stock Role | Light Support |
Stock Specifications | |
Hardpoints | Energy: 2 Missile: 1 Support: 4 |
Speed | 7/10/0 |
Firepower | Max Damage: 101 Max Stability: 20 Max Heat: 0 |
Durability | Armor: 535 Structure: 256 |
Heat Efficiency | Sinking: 60 Alpha: 38 |
Melee | Kick: 30 Punch: 15 |
Stock Equipment | |
Engine | Light Engine |
Core | 180 |
Heat Sinks | Heat Sink Kit (DHS) |
E-Cooling | None |
Gyro | Razorback Narrow Profile (Fixed) |
Structure | Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed) |
Armor | Ferro-Fibrous Armor |
Left Torso | CASE Heat Sink (D) MG MG Ammo MG [Half] Ammo Streak SRM |
Right Torso | Heat Sink (D) Heat Sink (D) MG MG |
Left Arm | Streak SRM4 |
Right Arm | ER L Laser |
The Razorback is a design that excels at little, but is similarly deficient in few areas. Though the design is rather slow for a 'Mech of its size, it is rarely the slowest 'Mech on the field, either. Because of the 'Mech's general reliance on ballistic and missile weaponry, it does not have to worry about overheating under normal circumstances but is dependent on supply trains. The RZK-9S includes an ER Large Laser for long-distance fire. Its array of Machine Guns allow the 'Mech to make very short work of infantry and vehicle platoons. The 'Mech is also well-suited to clean-up work with its Streak SRM-4. These weapons allow the Razorback to damage internal components that can cripple an enemy 'Mech without destroying it outright.
Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile
+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit
Pilot Affinity: Unlimited Power
Energy, ballistic, and missile weapons do 10% more damage
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- Davion Assault Guards
- 10th Lyran Guards
- 2nd Crucis Lancers
- Gray Death Legion
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- 5th Donegal Guards
- 6th Lyran Guards
- 11th Avalon Hussars
- Mercenaries
- Mercenaries
- Federated Freemen
- Narhal's Raiders
- Barrett's Fusiliers
- Greenburg's Godzillas
- Camacho's Caballeros
- Mobile Fire
- Avanti's Angels
- The Blackhearts
- Smithson's Chinese Bandits
- Vanguard Legion
- Screaming Eagles
- The Krushers
- The Black Outlaws
- Jacob's Juggernauts
- Lindon's Battalion
- Grim Determination
- Romanov's Crusaders
- Winfield's Regiment
- Rubinsky's Light Horse
- Khorsakov's Cossacks
- 21st Centauri Lancers
- Harlock's Warriors
- Dioscuri
- 12th Vegan Rangers
- Dismal Disinherited
- Solaris VII Mercenary League
- Eridani Light Horse
- Broadsword Legion
- Lone Star Regiment
- Snord's Irregulars
- Northwind Highlanders
- Blue Star Irregulars
- Knights Of St. Cameron
- Tooth of Ymir
- Burr's Black Cobras
- Fist Of Mokal
- Lethal Injection
- Olson's Rangers
- The Arcadians
- 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
- Langendorf Lancers
- Simonson's Cutthroats
- Always Faithful
- Hsien Hotheads
- Knights of Caerbannog
- Local Government
![]() |
General Data | |
'Mech Type | BattleMech |
Class | LIGHT |
Weight | 30T |
Stock Role | Light Support |
Stock Specifications | |
Hardpoints | Energy: 6 Support: 2 |
Speed | 7/10/0 |
Firepower | Max Damage: 160 Max Stability: 20 Max Heat: 0 |
Durability | Armor: 535 Structure: 256 |
Heat Efficiency | Sinking: 66 Alpha: 95 |
Melee | Kick: 30 Punch: 15 |
Stock Equipment | |
Engine | Light Engine |
Core | 180 |
Heat Sinks | Heat Sink Kit (DHS) |
E-Cooling | None |
Gyro | Razorback Narrow Profile (Fixed) |
Structure | Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed) |
Armor | Ferro-Fibrous Armor |
Left Torso | ER M Laser ER M Laser Heat Sink (D) Heat Sink (D) |
Right Torso | ER M Laser ER M Laser Heat Sink (D) Heat Sink (D) |
Right Arm | ER PPC |
The Razorback is a design that excels at little, but is similarly deficient in few areas. Though the design is rather slow for a 'Mech of its size, it is rarely the slowest 'Mech on the field, either. Because of the 'Mech's general reliance on ballistic and missile weaponry, it does not have to worry about overheating under normal circumstances but is dependent on supply trains. A product of interrupted supplies during the FedCom Civil War introduced in 3066, the -9T removes all weaponry on the standard variant and replaces them with an ER PPC and four ER Medium Lasers, as well as an additional double heat sink.
Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile
+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit
Pilot Affinity: Unlimited Power
Energy, ballistic, and missile weapons do 10% more damage
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- 10th Lyran Guards
- Gray Death Legion
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- 6th Lyran Guards
- 5th Donegal Guards
- Mercenaries
- Mercenaries
- Camacho's Caballeros
- Greenburg's Godzillas
- Narhal's Raiders
- Barrett's Fusiliers
- Mobile Fire
- Vanguard Legion
- Avanti's Angels
- Screaming Eagles
- Smithson's Chinese Bandits
- Harlock's Warriors
- The Blackhearts
- Romanov's Crusaders
- Jacob's Juggernauts
- Lindon's Battalion
- Grim Determination
- The Krushers
- Winfield's Regiment
- Rubinsky's Light Horse
- Khorsakov's Cossacks
- The Black Outlaws
- 21st Centauri Lancers
- Tooth of Ymir
- Dioscuri
- The Arcadians
- Lone Star Regiment
- Dismal Disinherited
- Solaris VII Mercenary League
- Eridani Light Horse
- Northwind Highlanders
- Knights Of St. Cameron
- Snord's Irregulars
- Kell Hounds
- Blue Star Irregulars
- 12th Vegan Rangers
- Broadsword Legion
- 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
- Langendorf Lancers
- Lethal Injection
- Olson's Rangers
- Burr's Black Cobras
- Always Faithful
- Hsien Hotheads
- Simonson's Cutthroats
- Fist Of Mokal
- Knights of Caerbannog
- Local Government
![]() |
General Data | |
'Mech Type | BattleMech |
Class | LIGHT |
Weight | 30T |
Stock Role | Light Support |
Stock Specifications | |
Hardpoints | Energy: 4 Support: 2 |
Speed | 7/10/0 |
Firepower | Max Damage: 115 Max Stability: 30 Max Heat: 0 |
Durability | Armor: 535 Structure: 256 |
Heat Efficiency | Sinking: 60 Alpha: 69 |
Melee | Kick: 30 Punch: 15 |
Stock Equipment | |
Engine | Light Engine |
Core | 180 |
Heat Sinks | Heat Sink Kit (DHS) |
E-Cooling | None |
Gyro | Razorback Narrow Profile (Fixed) |
Structure | Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed) |
Armor | Ferro-Fibrous Armor |
Left Torso | ER S Laser Guardian ECM Heat Sink (D) |
Right Torso | ER M Laser Heat Sink (D) Heat Sink (D) |
Right Arm | Light PPC Light PPC Light PPC |
The Razorback is a design that excels at little, but is similarly deficient in few areas. Though the design is rather slow for a 'Mech of its size, it is rarely the slowest 'Mech on the field, either. The Razorback-10R was another product of limited supply trains during the FedCom Civil War. Armed for mid-range stand-off engagements, the -10R carries a triplet of Light PPCs for its main firepower. An ER Medium and ER Small Laser provide closer-ranged backup while a Guardian ECM suite provides a little bonus defense against incoming fire.
Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile
+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit
Pilot Affinity: Unlimited Power
Energy, ballistic, and missile weapons do 10% more damage
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- 10th Lyran Guards
- Davion Assault Guards
- Gray Death Legion
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
- 6th Lyran Guards
- 5th Donegal Guards
- Mercenaries
- Mercenaries
- Lone Star Regiment
- Dismal Disinherited
- Solaris VII Mercenary League
- Northwind Highlanders
- Knights Of St. Cameron
- Snord's Irregulars
- Blue Star Irregulars
- Eridani Light Horse
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