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The following is a brief summary and an explanation of what requirements you need to meet in order to get the event to fire. Further details are provided but they contain spoilers. Don't read them unless you really want to know exactly what happens in the event.


Event #4 in the Cat Love event chain.

Yang wakes you in the middle of the night to see something in the mech bay.

Event Trigger Requirements:

Event Details:


"You wake up to an urgent summons from Yang: "Remember how I've told you I've been on the lookout since someone seems to mess around with that <Random 'mech> after lights out? Y'all thought I was crazy. Well, I will be mocked no longer. I got a motion sensor tripping in the Mech Bay right now. Get over here so we can confront them."

You rub the sleep from your eyes, put on your uniform, and rush to the Mech Bay. This will be settled one way or another.

When you arrive you spot Yang peeking in: "It's almost like someone is trying to dance in that <Random 'mech>. It's not even half bad. Did you see the torque on that pirouette?"

Puzzled you watch on, until the pilot gets out. It was the Cook all along.


Option A - "We can always use more talent. Enlist the Cook as MechWarrior.":

As you clear your throat, Florence grows beet red, silently awaiting your judgment.

"You know, I've seen a lot of new MechWarriors move a lot less graceful than you. Have you considered a career switch?"

Rambling the relieved Cook responds: "Thank you for the opportunity. I'd love that. Is that even an option? Isn't there a military exam, and I don't have any experience firing a weapon. I mean, obviously, imagine doing that in here. My friends call me Floppy, do you think that's a good callsign. Wow, a pilot, huh? You won't regret it!"

You interrupt your new pilot: "We are a mercenary outfit, Florence, there is no license board here. Besides, we still have some other pilots who can't hit the broad side of a barn. You can learn in the simulators. Go on and move your stuff to Alpha Pod. Oh, and please, no more unsupervised experimenting."


  • Floppy joins the company

Note: Choosing this option unlocks the next event in this chain called "Stand on Ceremony".

Option B - "Send the disillusioned Cook back to the kitchen.":

As you clear your throat, Florence grows beet red, silently awaiting your judgment.

"You know, I've seen a lot of cooks under siege in my time, but you were not hired to act out a movie. You have a real job. Do more of that, and less of this. Much less of this. Is that clear?"

Florence nods vigourously, then runs away sobbing.

"Don't you think you were you a little harsh on the girl?" Yang asks.

You raise your eyebrow at Yang: "If I am to convince anyone you weren't crazy, I'd have to reveal to the crew your profound ballet knowledge."

Yang's eyes grow wild: "I meant harsh, but fair, of course. I can see how lenient you are and all, since neither of us is going to bring any of this up ever again."

You exchange nods and go your separate ways.


  • No change

Note: Choosing this option ends the event chain.