Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes

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The following is a brief summary and an explanation of what requirements you need to meet in order to get the event to fire. Further details are provided but they contain spoilers. Don't read them unless you really want to know exactly what happens in the event.


The Commander learns something of Optio's background and must choose how to proceed.

Event Trigger Requirements:

  • Optio is a member of the crew
  • Optio has Gunnery 6 or higher
  • You have at least one other MechWarrior other than Optio in your crew

Event Details:


"Ave legatus. Meas litteras "in quantum oratorem" adicitur. Mea missio sit pergit."

The decoded message displays on your wall-screen, bright and accusing. Optio holds your gaze, doesn't even glance at it. Steady, unreadable. Darius and <MechWarrior> wait just outside the door.

"Optio. Something you need to tell me?"

He glances down at the deck, then returns your stare. "Commander. I will not mince words. I am, as you suspect, Ordo Vigilis. I am to gather intelligence on the goals of ComStar in the Periphery. Although they no longer control communications in the Hegemony, there are certain elements within the Ordo that insist they are still a threat. As you now know my purpose here, perhaps we can come to an arrangement of sorts? ComStar might have a bounty on spies, but I can make this a lot more lucrative."


Option A - "Distance yourself from the spy. Fire him.":

"Sorry, Optio, but split loyalties get people killed in this business, and I can't have a spy working for me. We'll drop you in the next system, but in the meantime you're confined to quarters."

You stand and knock once on the door. Darius and <MechWarrior> step inside, and lead Optio away.


  • Optio leaves the company
  • Morale increased by 2
  • ComStar faction reputation increased by 15

Option B - "Take him up on his offer.":

Note: Choosing this option opens up another event later called "Devil's Dues"

"I'm listening, Optio. Tell me what you had in mind."

"Simple, Commander. You take me, and my mission, as a long-term contract and I will pay you a tidy sum. Half now, half on completion. The Hegemony is not without resources. Let's just say that I have a discretionary budget for these types of situations. In return, I will remain a pilot in your employ. However, I must warn you that if you intend to take contracts against the interests of my mission, I will leave you."


  • Company C-Bills increased by 400,000
  • Marian Hegemony faction reputation increased by 15
  • Optio gains pilot tag: Dishonest

Option C - "Turn him over to ComStar.":

"Sorry Optio. I can't trust you, but I can turn you over to ComStar for a nice shiny BattleMech. They have a standing offer for confirmed spies, you know."

You stand and knock once on the door. Darius and <MechWarrior> step inside, and lead Optio away."


  • Optio leaves the company
  • ComStar faction reputation increased by 15
  • Black Knight BL-9-KNT added to mech bay