Ibex Race: Dakar 306X

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The following is a brief summary and an explanation of what requirements you need to meet in order to get the event to fire. Further details are provided but they contain spoilers. Don't read them unless you really want to know exactly what happens in the event.


Event #3b in the The Need For Speed event chain.

Blaze lets you know about an upcoming race.

Event Trigger Requirements:

  • The Argo is not currently traveling to a new system
  • The Argo is in a system with an desert world
  • You picked the Ibex RV in the event "The Need For Speed"
  • Blaze is a member of the crew
  • Blaze is uninjured
  • You have not already completed the Dakar 306X race

Event Details:


You have a message from Blaze. Apparently we've arrived in the system just in time for a race, and she needs to know whether to sign up:

Commander, if we're going to do this race, there are a few things you need to know. This one takes place in the desert, so we have a few options. I can push hard and drive aggressively, but we're gonna want to keep an eye on the heat gauge. In addition, this is a 500km route, so fuel might be a concern. On the other hand, I can play it a bit safer and hope to make up the time in the straightaways. Like most of these races, there's also an optional "shortcut" route; looks like it runs through a crystal field, but that shouldn't make a difference for us. Just let me know how you'd like to proceed, and I'll get things ready to go. Of course if we don't have time, I understand.


Option A - "Drive aggressively.":

Although designed for desert races, the limited range of the Ibex proved to be Blaze's undoing. Following your lead, she pushed the Ibex has hard as possible, hoping to build a comfortable enough lead over the pack to overcome the need to refuel. Unfortunately, aggressive driving really kills mileage, and the Ibex ran out of fuel well short of the finish line. Although the pit choppers were able to refuel her relatively quickly, Blaze had fallen too far behind the leaders, placing squarely in the middle of the pack.


  • 1 race loss added to season record

Option B - "Play it safe.":

Cognizant of the small fuel tank on the Ibex, you directed Blaze to drive cautiously and try to conserve enough fuel to make it to the end of the race without refueling. Unfortunately, the mileage on the never matches what you see in the real world, and Blaze still ran out of go-juice before the end of the race. Already in the middle of the pack when the fuel ran out, Blaze fell even further behind waiting for the pit choppers and took home a disappointing loss.


  • 1 race loss added to season record
  • Morale decreased by 1
  • Company C-Bills decreased by 100,000

Option C - "Take the shortcut.":

The desert is where the Ibex was designed to shine, and taking the shortcut through the crystal field was a no-brainer. The speedy Ibex zigged and zagged around the larger crystal formations, and the shorter distance meant that Blaze didn't even need to stop to refuel. With those two huge advantages in hand, the win came almost too easily.


  • Morale increased by 2
  • Company C-Bills increased by 100,000
  • 1 race win added to season record

Option D - "Hold off on racing for now.":

Blaze knows that contracts are more important than racing. Besides, there are plenty of other races to run.


  • No change

Note: selecting this option does not lock you out of accepting the Dakar 306X race event in the future.