Valkyrie II

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Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Recon and Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 3
Missile: 2
Support: 4
Speed 7/10/7
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 30
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 920
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 47
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 360
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso CASE
Ammo LRM
Ammo LRM
Right Torso Guardian ECM
Right Arm ER PPC
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


The Valkyrie II project originated as an assignment for two NAIS student design teams to create a new heavy scout and skirmisher mech based on the Valkyrie VLK-QA. A rivalry between the two teams and outside pressures from Davion bureaucrats pushed both designs far beyond a replacement for the VLK-QA. Achernar BattleMechs was contracted to construct the Valkyrie II-1A which sports a Hermes 360XL Engine, six Jump Jets, an ER PPC, a LRM10, and over eleven tons of armor.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 9
Support: 2
Melee: 1
Speed 7/10/7
Firepower Max Damage: 180
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 920
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 100
Melee Kick: 60
Weapon: 75
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 360
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
M Laser
Right Torso ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm Mace (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


Built on the Valkyrie II-1A chassis, the -1M was part of a secondary challenge in the mech's creation, this time to make the best possible use of specially designed melee weaponry, in this case a Mech Mace. Armed with a battery of Medium and ER Medium Lasers for backup weaponry, the -1M really goes all-in on the power of its massive Mace, which the design team styled after a great winged hammer. Luckily for the -1M, the Mace proved so dangerous that the designs shortcomings were generally overlooked.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

This model has a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Recon and Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 7
Support: 1
Speed 5/8/5
Modified Sprint 10 (MASC)
Firepower Max Damage: 145
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1040
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 85
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Right Torso ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Guardian ECM
Right Arm ER L Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


The Valkyrie II project originated as an assignment for two NAIS student design teams to create a new heavy scout and skirmisher mech based on the Valkyrie VLK-QA. A rivalry between the two teams and outside pressures from Davion bureaucrats pushed both designs far beyond a replacement for the VLK-QA. Corean Enterprises was contracted to construct the Valkyrie II-2A which sports a 300 rating Light Fusion Engine, five Jump Jets, an ER Large Laser, a quartet of ER Medium Lasers, and nearly thirteen tons of armor.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Recon and Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 4
Energy: 2
Support: 2
Speed 5/8/5
Firepower Max Damage: 140
Max Stability: 22
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1040
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 40
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso CASE
ER M Laser
Right Torso ER M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


One of the earliest field refits of the Valkyrie II-2A, the -2L was built to fill a role that the AFFS didn't have a good mech for: a fast heavy direct-fire support design using ballistics for easy supply line considerations. To whit, the -2L upgrades the engine to an XL from the -2A's Light Fusion. The weight savings then go toward a pair of shoulder mounted LB-5X Autocannons with a pair of ER Mediums for backup. The armor and speed profile of the base -2A remain the same.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Recon and Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 3
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Melee: 1
Speed 5/8/5
Modified Sprint 10 (MASC)
Firepower Max Damage: 133
Max Stability: 48
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1040
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 44
Melee Kick: 60
Weapon: 45
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso M.A.S.C.
Ammo SRM
Ammo SRM
Right Torso SRM6
Left Arm ER M Laser
S Laser
Right Arm Sword (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


Built on the Valkyrie II-2A chassis, the -2S was part of a secondary challenge in the mech's creation, this time to make the best possible use of specially designed melee weaponry, in this case a Mech Sword. Armed with two SRM-6s and an ER Medium and standard Small Laser, the -2S really goes all-in on the power of its massive Sword. Luckily for the -2S, the Sword proved dangerous enough that the designs shortcomings were generally overlooked.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

This model has a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Recon and Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 6
Support: 2
Melee: 2
Speed 5/8/5
Firepower Max Damage: 162
Max Stability: 12
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 960
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 70
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso Ammo AC/2 [PRE]
Ammo AC/2 [PRE]
M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
Right Torso LAC/2
M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
Left Arm Medium Shield (Fixed)
Right Arm Sword (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


The Valkyrie II proved a popular and effective design in the armies of the Federated Suns, so much so that the brass demanded more Valkyrie IIs be produced to meet soldier demand. Among the variants produced was the VLK-II-2S, an experimental version with a Mech-scale Sword. The -2S was popular but pilots often complained of a lack of range and of durability problems so it was eventually supplanted by the VLK-II-3S. This variant uses an XL engine for power and is equipped with twin Light AC/2s for ranged firepower. Up close it can call upon six Medium Lasers and the required Sword to slice apart enemies. For extra durability, the -3S is equipped with a Medium Shield while a Supercharger and five jump jets guarantee it can close the distance in any terrain.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Mercenary Charger
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 1
Energy: 7
Support: 2
Melee: 1
Speed 6/9/3
Firepower Max Damage: 176
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1055
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 85
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 335
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +1
Gyro Coventry Mark 75 Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor (C)
Head FCS Location Designator
Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Exchanger I
Left Torso Jump Jet (H)
Rotary ER M Laser
Rotary ER S Laser
SuPPC Array
Right Torso Jump Jet (H)
Rotary ER M Laser
Rotary ER S Laser
SuPPC Array
Left Arm CASE II (C)
Rotary L. Rifle
Right Arm Lance (Fixed)


Produced by Winchester Arms on New Abeline, the VLK-II-3G is an eclectic cavalry unit. Inspired by the custom mechs fielded by a certain mercenary command, the 3G was designed by an eccentric motor vehicle-obsessed engineer. It features an XL 335 rated engine with supercharger, made specifically for the 3G, covertly sourced clan-spec armor, and a heat exchanger that uses an exotic, endothermic species of fungus in place of traditional components. The 3G’s main weapon is its massive Lance, backed up by supppc arrays and rotary lasers. As well, the left arm features a 'Gunslinger' rotary light rifle, styled to resemble a .44 Magnum- the hallmark of membership in the aforementioned mercenary unit.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

Variants of this model have a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Raventhir's Iron Hand
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Kell Hounds
    • Eridani Light Horse

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Arena Charger
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 2
Melee: 2
Speed 7/10/0
Firepower Max Damage: 120
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1000
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 56
Melee Kick: 60
Weapon: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 360
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Left Torso L Laser
M Laser
Right Torso L Laser
M Laser
Left Arm Medium Shield (Fixed)
Right Arm Lance (Fixed)


An experimental Valkyrie II variant that was intended purely for arena combat, the Valkyrie VLK-II-3X is a uniquely melee focused mech. Created by a renegade NAIS engineer who stole a VLK-II-1M on the way out the door, the -3X could only exist in an arena. How it came to battlefields is unclear. The ranged armament is paltry, a mere two each of Large and Medium Lasers, but the -3X has other tricks at hand. Namely, it carries a mech-scale Lance and a Medium Shield, making it a brutal melee combatant and especially deadly in charges.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

This model has a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Krushers
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Always Faithful
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Lethal Injection
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Local Government

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Heavy Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 9
Support: 2
Melee: 1
Speed 6/9/5
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 50
Durability Armor: 1200
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 50
Melee Kick: 60
Weapon: 75
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (C)
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Trickster Sparrow Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Guardian ECM
Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (H)
Left Torso Ammo Plasma
Plasma Rifle
Right Torso Ammo Plasma
Plasma Rifle
Right Arm Mace (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)
Right Leg Jump Jet (H)
Jump Jet (H)


A personalized design built for a pilot named Shade, this Valkyrie II is a melee machine first and foremost. Armed for ranged combat with only twin Plasma Rifles, the VLK-II-SH shines up close with a TSM-enabled Mace backed by 5 jump jets to maneuver around the battlefield.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

This model has a melee weapon

Mech Quirk: Hero Mech

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons, -6 heat at the end of the turn, +2 increased resolve gain

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


The VLK-II-SH cannot be found with any factions, it can only be found in the BTA Calling event mission.

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Valkyrie II.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Gladiator
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 1
Energy: 8
Support: 2
Melee: 1
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 144
Max Stability: 30
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1102
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 39
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro XL Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Valkyrie II Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Supercharger
Left Torso CASE II
M Pulse
Ammo UAC/20
Ammo UAC/20
Ammo UAC/20
Right Torso M Pulse
Right Arm Mace (Fixed)


The name of this 'Mech is somewhat obscure, with no one really knowing why the original owner named it Kenning. Some say that it's the name of their lover, others say it's the name of someone who wronged them. All that we can say for sure is the 'Mech, and the strange name, outlived the owner and now travels around the gameworlds in various hands. Armed with a BattleMech Mace as well as an Ultra AC/20 and two Medium Pulse Lasers, Kenning hits incredibly hard, earning it many fans and respect from other gladiators.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout