Difference between revisions of "Blackjack"

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m (Punch fix)
(Update format)
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<tab name="BJ-1">
<tab name="BJ-1">
|variantname = BJ-1
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 2
|energy = 4
|missile = 0
|support = 2
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 134
|maxstability = 42
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 33
|alphaheat = 46
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Single Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Ammo AC/2
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink
|ltequip3 = M Laser
|ltequip4 =
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink
|rtequip3 = M Laser
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = M Laser
|laequip2 = AC/2
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = AC/2
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
Blackjack 1s are solid, well-rounded 'Mechs for their tonnage. They typically mount Jump Jets, which give them an extra edge by repositioning quickly to keep a direct line of fire for their Autocannons.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 105: Line 20:
The BJ-1 can be found with these forces:
* Aurigan Directorate
* Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
* Capellan Confederation (Liao)
* Circinus Federation
* ComStar
* Draconis Combine (Kurita)
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Free Rasalhague Republic
* Free Worlds League (Marik)
* Hanseatic League
* Local Government
* Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
* Magistracy Of Canopus
* Marian Hegemony
* Mercenaries
* Outworld Alliance
* Pirates
* Rim Collection
* Taurian Concordat
Line 134: Line 29:
<tab name="BJ-1DB">
<tab name="BJ-1DB">
|variantname = BJ-1DB
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 4
|missile = 0
|support = 0
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 120
|maxstability = 0
|armor = 600
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 51
|alphaheat = 56
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Single Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Standard
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink
|ltequip3 = Heat Sink
|ltequip4 = Heat Sink
|ltequip5 = Heat Sink
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink
|rtequip3 = Heat Sink
|rtequip4 = Heat Sink
|rtequip5 = Heat Sink
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = M Laser
|laequip2 = L Laser
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = L Laser
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
A recent Federated Suns variant, the BJ-1DB replaces the AutoCannon with Large Lasers.  In order to assist with the added heat, it also drops some armor and the torso mounted lasers to make room for more Heat Sinks.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 238: Line 48:
The BJ-1DB can be found with these forces:
* Circinus Federation
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Free Rasalhague Republic
* Hanseatic League
* Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
* Marian Hegemony
* Outworld Alliance
Line 255: Line 57:
<tab name="BJ-1DC">
<tab name="BJ-1DC">
|variantname = BJ-1DC
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 2
|energy = 6
|missile = 0
|support = 2
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/0
|speed = 4/7/0
|maxdamage = 164
|maxstability = 42
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 36
|alphaheat = 56
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Single Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Ammo AC/2
|ctequip2 = Heat Sink
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink
|ltequip3 = M Laser
|ltequip4 = S Laser
|ltequip5 = Heat Sink
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink
|rtequip2 = M Laser
|rtequip3 = S Laser
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = M Laser
|laequip2 = AC/2
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = AC/2
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = None
|llequip2 =
|rlequip1 = None
|rlequip2 =
Sacrificing the Jump Jets, the BJ-1DC adds a Small Laser in each side torso and a Heat Sink to help ease the extra burden.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 359: Line 76:
The BJ-1DC can be found with these forces:
* Federated Suns (Davion)
Line 370: Line 85:
<tab name="BJ-1PA">
<tab name="BJ-1PA">
|variantname = BJ-1PA
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 4
|energy = 4
|missile = 0
|support = 0
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 260
|maxstability = 6
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 39
|alphaheat = 80
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Single Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Ammo MG
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink
|ltequip3 = Heat Sink
|ltequip4 = M Laser
|ltequip5 = HMG
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink
|rtequip3 = Heat Sink
|rtequip4 = M Laser
|rtequip5 = HMG
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = M Laser
|laequip2 = Light Cannon
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = Light Cannon
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
One of the newly minted mechs out of Periphery Armory, Inc, the BJ-1PA is a simple rugged design. Armed with a pair of Light Cannons for ranged burst firepower and with a brace of Medium Lasers and HMGs for close-range engagement, the -1PA is a simple yet endearing design. It has found moderate success with purchasers in the Periphery, as intended from the start.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 474: Line 104:
The BJ-1PA can be found with these forces:
* Circinus Federation
* Hanseatic League
* JarnFolk
* Marian Hegemony
* Mercenaries
* New Delphi Compact
* Pirates
* Rim Collection
* Tortuga Dominions
Line 493: Line 113:
<tab name="BJ-1X">
<tab name="BJ-1X">
|variantname = BJ-1X
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Brawler / Disabler
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 4
|missile = 0
|support = 6
|omni =
|speed = 5/8/0
|speed = 5/8/0
|maxdamage = 100
|maxstability = 0
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 54
|alphaheat = 40
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 225
|heatsinkkit = Single Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Heat Sink
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = M Laser
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink
|ltequip3 = Heat Sink
|ltequip4 = Heat Sink
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = M Laser
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink
|rtequip3 = Heat Sink
|rtequip4 = Heat Sink
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = M Laser
|laequip2 = Flamer
|laequip3 = Flamer
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = Flamer
|raequip3 = Flamer
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Heat Sink
|llequip2 =
|rlequip1 = Heat Sink
|rlequip2 =
This early Blackjack prototype started along a completely different path for the 'Mech.  Focusing on close in weapons, the BJ-1X has four Flamers and four Medium Lasers.  The BJ-1X also focused more on speed than jump manueverability, increasing the engine size while removing the Jump Jets.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 597: Line 132:
The BJ-1X can be found with these forces:
* Federated Suns (Davion)
Line 608: Line 141:
<tab name="BJ-2">
<tab name="BJ-2">
|variantname = BJ-2
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 2
|missile = 4
|support = 1
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 154
|maxstability = 32
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 66
|alphaheat = 74
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Double Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = None
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip3 = Streak SRM2
|ltequip4 = Streak SRM2
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip3 = Ammo Streak SRM
|rtequip4 = Streak SRM2
|rtequip5 = Streak SRM2
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = ER L Laser
|laequip2 =
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = ER L Laser
|raequip2 =
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
The BJ-2 was introduced by the Federated Suns as the new production model of the Blackjack based on early experimental designs. It upgrades the 'Mech with two  ER Large Lasers in place of the autocannons and removes the medium lasers for four Streak SRM-2 launchers, two each in the left and right sides of the torso.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 712: Line 160:
The BJ-2 can be found with these forces:
* Capellan Confederation (Liao)
* ComStar
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Local Government
* Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
* Mercenaries
* Pirates
* Tortuga Dominions
Line 730: Line 169:
<tab name="BJ-2M">
<tab name="BJ-2M">
|variantname = BJ-2M
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Sniper
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 4
|missile = 0
|support = 6
|omni =
|speed = 5/8/4
|speed = 5/8/4
|maxdamage = 190
|maxstability = 16
|armor = 670
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 60
|alphaheat = 90
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 225
|heatsinkkit = Double Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Ferro-Fibrous
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 = Ammo Magshot
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = M Laser
|ltequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|ltequip3 = Jump Jet (S)
|ltequip4 =
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = M Laser
|rtequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rtequip3 = Jump Jet (S)
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = ER L Laser
|laequip2 = Magshot Rifle
|laequip3 = Magshot Rifle
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = ER L Laser
|raequip2 = Magshot Rifle
|raequip3 = Magshot Rifle
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = None
|llequip2 =
|rlequip1 = None
|rlequip2 =
Built to put the newly created Magshot Gauss Rifles to the test, the BJ-2M proved itself an able combatant quickly. Armed for stand-off ranges with a pair of ER Large Lasers, the BJ-2M has a lethal surprise for anyone closing the distance as 4 Magshot Gauss Rifles and a pair of Medium Lasers cover medium distances. 12 double heat sinks struggle to keep all the weapons contained while 4 jump jets give the -2M traditional Blackjack mobility. While it only has a single ton of Magshot ammo, that's plenty for most engagements.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 834: Line 188:
The BJ-2M can be found with these forces:
* Aurigan Directorate
* Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
* Free Worlds League (Marik)
* Local Government
* Mercenaries
* Pirates
* Taurian Concordat
Line 851: Line 197:
<tab name="BJ-3">
<tab name="BJ-3">
|variantname = BJ-3
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 8
|missile = 0
|support = 1
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 190
|maxstability = 40
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 60
|alphaheat = 90
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = Standard
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Double Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = None
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip2 = M Laser
|ltequip3 =
|ltequip4 =
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip3 = M Laser
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = PPC
|laequip2 = M Laser
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = PPC
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
Built by the Capellan Confederation on St. Ives during the Fourth Succession War, this 'Mech was probably the first in decades if not centuries to feature Double Heat Sinks, a revolutionary re-discovered technology. It is implied that the heat sinks were actually stolen from the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth but in any case the BJ-3 was the first regular variant to employ them. The superior heat dissipation allowed the 'Mech to be equipped with two Ceres Arms Smasher PPCs and four Medium Lasers.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 955: Line 216:
The BJ-3 can be found with these forces:
* Aurigan Directorate
* Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
* Capellan Confederation (Liao)
* Circinus Federation
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Hanseatic League
* Local Government
* Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
* Magistracy Of Canopus
* Marian Hegemony
* Mercenaries
* Outworld Alliance
* Pirates
* Rim Collection
* Taurian Concordat
* Tortuga Dominions
Line 981: Line 225:
<tab name="BJ-3X">
<tab name="BJ-3X">
|variantname = BJ-3X
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 0
|energy = 2
|missile = 0
|support = 5
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 145
|maxstability = 0
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 78
|alphaheat = 95
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = XL
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Double Heat Sinks
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Standard (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = None
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip3 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip4 =
|ltequip5 =
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip3 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = Binary Laser
|laequip2 = S Laser
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = Binary Laser
|raequip2 =
|raequip3 =
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
The experimental Blackjack-3X was created by the Federated Suns in the earliest days after the Helm Core's recovery. With rediscovered technologies, FedSun engineers discovered they could fit a pair of Binary Laser Cannons, or Blazers, to a medium mech chassis and still give it respectable heat management. The Blackjack was the perfect platform for the pair of Blazers. 13 double heat sinks and a XL engine allowed this to happen and a solitary Small Laser backs the Blazers up. A handful of prototypes were produced but the project was abandoned when the downsides of the Blazers became apparent.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 1,085: Line 244:
The BJ-3X can be found with these forces:
* Aurigan Directorate
* Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Local Government
* Mercenaries
* Pirates
* Taurian Concordat
Line 1,102: Line 253:
<tab name="BJ-5">
<tab name="BJ-5">
|variantname = BJ-5
|image = Blackjack.png
|mechtype = BattleMech
|class = Medium
|weight = 45T
|stock role = Fire Support / Skirmisher
|ballistic = 2
|energy = 5
|missile = 0
|support = 0
|omni =
|speed = 4/7/4
|speed = 4/7/4
|maxdamage = 190
|maxstability = 22
|armor = 680
|structure = 376
|heatsinking = 60
|alphaheat = 60
|kickdamage = 45
|punchdamage = 23
|meleeweapondamage =
|enginetype = XL
|coresize = 180
|heatsinkkit = Endo-Steel (Fixed)
|ecooling = None
|gyro = Standard
|structuretype = Endo-Steel (Fixed)
|armortype = Standard
|headequip1 = Improved Communications (Fixed)
|headequip2 =
|headequip3 =
|headequip4 =
|ctequip1 = None
|ctequip2 =
|ctequip3 =
|ctequip4 =
|ltequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|ltequip2 = M Laser
|ltequip3 = Ammo LBX/5 Cluster
|ltequip4 = Ammo LBX/5 Slug
|ltequip5 = CASE
|ltequip6 =
|ltequip7 =
|ltequip8 =
|ltequip9 =
|ltequip10 =
|ltequip11 =
|ltequip12 =
|rtequip1 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip2 = Heat Sink (D)
|rtequip3 = M Laser
|rtequip4 =
|rtequip5 =
|rtequip6 =
|rtequip7 =
|rtequip8 =
|rtequip9 =
|rtequip10 =
|rtequip11 =
|rtequip12 =
|laequip1 = LBX AC/5
|laequip2 = M Laser
|laequip3 =
|laequip4 =
|laequip5 =
|laequip6 =
|laequip7 =
|laequip8 =
|laequip9 =
|laequip10 =
|raequip1 = M Laser
|raequip2 = M Laser
|raequip3 = LBX AC/5
|raequip4 =
|raequip5 =
|raequip6 =
|raequip7 =
|raequip8 =
|raequip9 =
|raequip10 =
|llequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|llequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip1 = Jump Jet (S)
|rlequip2 = Jump Jet (S)
Where most advanced Blackjacks ditched the autocannons in favor of energy weapons, the BJ-5 decided to bring back the autocannons, updated for the modern era. Built on an Endo-Steel frame with an XL Engine for weight-savings, the BJ-5 carries a pair of LB-5X Autocannons and a brace of Medium Lasers for close-range defense. With two tons of ammo and plenty of double heat sinks, the BJ-5 is a capable and effective design at all ranges, bringing new life to the mostly forgotten Blackjack.
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
'''Mech Quirk:''' Improved Targeting
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
+1 accuracy with ranged weapons  
Line 1,206: Line 272:
The BJ-5 can be found with these forces:
* Aurigan Directorate
* Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
* Federated Suns (Davion)
* Local Government
* Mercenaries
* Pirates
* Taurian Concordat

Revision as of 05:17, 28 January 2021

General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 4
Support: 2
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 134
Max Stability: 18
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 44
Alpha: 46
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Center Torso Ammo AC/2
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Left Arm AC/2
M Laser
Right Arm AC/2
M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


Blackjack 1s are solid, well-rounded 'Mechs for their tonnage. They typically mount Jump Jets, which give them an extra edge by repositioning quickly to keep a direct line of fire for their Autocannons.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Warrior House Imarra
    • 6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry
  • Chainelane Isles
  • Circinus Federation
  • ComStar
    • ComStar
    • 11th Army V-Eta
    • 7th Army V-Iota
  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 3rd Night Stalkers
    • 2nd Legion Of Vega
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 2nd Crucis Lancers
    • 10th Lyran Guards
    • 1st Kittery Borderers
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 2nd Freemen
    • 4th Kavalleri
  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 2nd Free Worlds Guards
    • 30th Marik Militia
  • Hanseatic League
  • Illyrian Palatinate
  • JàrnFòlk
  • Lothian League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 11th Avalon Hussars
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Raventhir's Iron Hand
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • V Legio Ripariensis
    • Cohors Morituri
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Federated Freemen
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • The Blackhearts
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Krushers
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Clean Kill
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Mobile Fire
    • Kell Hounds
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Broadsword Legion
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Band of the Damned
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Death's Consorts
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Always Faithful
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Black Caravel
  • New Delphi Compact
  • Nueva Castile
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
    • 4th Alliance Air Wing
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • St. Ives Compact
  • Styk Commonality
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Pleiades Hussars
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers
  • Terracap Confederation
  • The 331st Royal BattleMech Division
  • Dark Caste
  • Word of Blake
    • WoB Protectorate Militia

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Support: 4
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 120
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 600
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 68
Alpha: 56
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm L Laser
M Laser
Right Arm L Laser
M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


A recent Federated Suns variant, the BJ-1DB replaces the AutoCannon with Large Lasers. In order to assist with the added heat, it also drops some armor and the torso mounted lasers to make room for more Heat Sinks.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 6
Support: 2
Speed 4/7/0
Firepower Max Damage: 158
Max Stability: 18
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 48
Alpha: 56
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Center Torso Ammo AC/2
Heat Sink
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
S Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
M Laser
S Laser
Left Arm AC/2
M Laser
Right Arm AC/2
M Laser


Sacrificing the Jump Jets, the BJ-1DC adds a Small Laser in each side torso and a Heat Sink to help ease the extra burden.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 4
Energy: 4
Support: 2
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 458
Max Stability: 12
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 52
Alpha: 74
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Center Torso Ammo MG
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Left Arm Light Cannon
M Laser
Right Arm Light Cannon
M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


One of the newly minted mechs out of Periphery Armory, Inc, the BJ-1PA is a simple rugged design. Armed with a pair of Light Cannons for ranged burst firepower and with a brace of Medium Lasers and HMGs for close-range engagement, the -1PA is a simple yet endearing design. It has found moderate success with purchasers in the Periphery, as intended from the start.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Brawler & Disabler
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 60
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 40
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 225
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Center Torso Heat Sink
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Left Arm Flamer
M Laser
Right Arm Flamer
M Laser
Left Leg Heat Sink
Right Leg Heat Sink


This early Blackjack prototype started along a completely different path for the 'Mech. Focusing on close in weapons, the BJ-1X has four Flamers and four Medium Lasers. The BJ-1X also focused more on speed than jump manueverability, increasing the engine size while removing the Jump Jets.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Missile: 4
Support: 1
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 162
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 74
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Streak SRM2
Streak SRM2
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Ammo Streak SRM
Streak SRM2
Streak SRM2
Left Arm ER L Laser
Right Arm ER L Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


The BJ-2 was introduced by the Federated Suns as the new production model of the Blackjack based on early experimental designs. It upgrades the 'Mech with two ER Large Lasers in place of the autocannons and removes the medium lasers for four Streak SRM-2 launchers, two each in the left and right sides of the torso.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks


  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Warrior House Imarra
    • 1st McCarron's Armored Cavalry
    • Death Commandos
    • 6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry
  • ComStar
    • ComStar
    • 2nd Army V-Mu
    • 11th Army V-Eta
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Davion Assault Guards
    • 10th Lyran Guards
    • 2nd Crucis Lancers
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 6th Lyran Guards
    • 11th Avalon Hussars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Federated Freemen
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Screaming Eagles
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Dioscuri
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • The Arcadians
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • The Krushers
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • The Blackhearts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Kell Hounds
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Band of the Damned
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Death's Consorts
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Always Faithful
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • St. Ives Compact
  • Tortuga Dominions
  • Word of Blake
    • Word of Blake
    • 40th Shadow Division
    • 9th Division III-Gamma

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Medium Sniper
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/4
Firepower Max Damage: 190
Max Stability: 16
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 670
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 90
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 225
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Ammo Magshot
Center Torso Heat Sink (D)
Left Torso M Laser
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso M Laser
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm ER L Laser
Magshot Rifle
Magshot Rifle
Right Arm ER L Laser
Magshot Rifle
Magshot Rifle


Built to put the newly created Magshot Gauss Rifles to the test, the BJ-2M proved itself an able combatant quickly. Armed for stand-off ranges with a pair of ER Large Lasers, the BJ-2M has a lethal surprise for anyone closing the distance as 4 Magshot Gauss Rifles and a pair of Medium Lasers cover medium distances. 12 double heat sinks struggle to keep all the weapons contained while 4 jump jets give the -2M traditional Blackjack mobility. While it only has a single ton of Magshot ammo, that's plenty for most engagements.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere
    • 2nd Free Worlds Guards
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Band of the Damned
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Death's Consorts
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Shen-Se Tian
  • Pirates

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 1
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 190
Max Stability: 40
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 90
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


Built by the Capellan Confederation on St. Ives during the Fourth Succession War, this 'Mech was probably the first in decades if not centuries to feature Double Heat Sinks, a revolutionary re-discovered technology. It is implied that the heat sinks were actually stolen from the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth but in any case the BJ-3 was the first regular variant to employ them. The superior heat dissipation allowed the 'Mech to be equipped with two Ceres Arms Smasher PPCs and four Medium Lasers.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • 1st McCarron's Armored Cavalry
    • Death Commandos
    • Warrior House Imarra
  • Circinus Federation
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Davion Assault Guards
    • 10th Lyran Guards
    • 2nd Crucis Lancers
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Hanseatic League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 6th Lyran Guards
    • 11th Avalon Hussars
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Raventhir's Iron Hand
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • I Legio Martia Victrix
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Federated Freemen
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Screaming Eagles
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Dioscuri
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • The Arcadians
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • The Krushers
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • The Blackhearts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Death's Consorts
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Thermo Police
    • Band of the Damned
    • Lethal Injection
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Always Faithful
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Nueva Castile
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 1st Alliance Air Wing
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • St. Ives Compact
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Guard
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers
  • Tortuga Dominions

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Support: 5
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 152
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 78
Alpha: 67
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Left Arm L Binary Laser
S Laser
Right Arm L Binary Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


The experimental Blackjack-3X was created by the Federated Suns in the earliest days after the Helm Core's recovery. With rediscovered technologies, FedSun engineers discovered they could fit a pair of Binary Laser Cannons, or Blazers, to a medium mech chassis and still give it respectable heat management. The Blackjack was the perfect platform for the pair of Blazers. 13 double heat sinks and a XL engine allowed this to happen and a solitary Small Laser backs the Blazers up. A handful of prototypes were produced but the project was abandoned when the downsides of the Blazers became apparent.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 45T
Stock Role Fire Support & Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 5
Support: 1
Speed 4/7/4
Firepower Max Damage: 190
Max Stability: 22
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 680
Structure: 376
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 60
Melee Kick: 45
Punch: 23
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 180
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Blackjack Improved Targeting (Fixed)
Left Torso CASE
Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
M Laser
Left Arm LBX AC/5
M Laser
Right Arm LBX AC/5
M Laser
M Laser
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


Where most advanced Blackjacks ditched the autocannons in favor of energy weapons, the BJ-5 decided to bring back the autocannons, updated for the modern era. Built on an Endo-Steel frame with an XL Engine for weight-savings, the BJ-5 carries a pair of LB-5X Autocannons and a brace of Medium Lasers for close-range defense. With two tons of ammo and plenty of double heat sinks, the BJ-5 is a capable and effective design at all ranges, bringing new life to the mostly forgotten Blackjack.


Mech Quirk: Improved Targeting

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons

Pilot Affinity: Precise Shot

+1 bonus on weapon attacks


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Davion Assault Guards
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Eridani Light Horse
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Guard

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout