Draconis Combine

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Draconis Combine
Kurita logo.png
Capital World Luthien
Ruler Theodore Kurita
Military Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)
Secret Service Internal Security Force

The Draconis Combine is one of the five Successor States of the Star League, located coreward and spinward of Terra. Ruled by House Kurita, the Combine has always been aggressively expansionist—the head of the Combine was the first of the Council Lords to declare himself the new ruler of the collapsing Star League. Regularly in conflicts along its borders with all its neighbors, the Combine is a highly structured, militaristic society, with rulership in the hands of the Coordinator, the commander-in-chief of the Draconis military. The Combine's culture is heavily influenced by the Japanese roots of the ruling family—despite the minority status of those with Japanese ancestry—as this cultural heritage is imposed from above by the predominantly Japanese ruling class. The current leader of the Combine is Coordinator Theodore Kurita.


1st Sword Of Light

1st Sword Of Light

1st Sword Of Light

Unit Rating: Elite

The 1st Sword Of Light is one of the most decorated and prestigious units in all of the Draconis Combine. The Sword of Light regiments all represent one of the five Pillars of Combine society and the 1st represents the most important Pillar, the Pillar of Ivory, or religious devotion. A posting to the 1st Sword is among the highest honors the Coordinator can bestow on a MechWarrior.

3rd Night Stalkers

3rd Night Stalkers

3rd Night Stalkers

Unit Rating: Regular

The 3rd Night Stalkers are the least experienced of the infamous Night Stalker regiments in service to the DCMS. Created by Theodore Kurita's direct order, the 3rd Night Stalkers are a fairly standard line regiment and serves ably, if without distinction.

2nd Legion Of Vega

2nd Legion Of Vega

2nd Legion Of Vega

Unit Rating: Garrison

The 2nd Legion Of Vega, also called The Dragon's Raiders, is the premier regiment among the disgraced Legions of Vega, often considered punishment regiments among the DCMS's troops. A posting to the Legions of Vega is as good as a death sentence for most warriors, a status that the 2nd revels in as they achieve victories other regiments struggle to achieve.

Enemy Factions

The following is a list of factions that can appear as opfor in missions while working for the Draconis Combine. Additionally, while allied with the Draconis Combine these factions will consider you an enemy and your reputation with them will not rise above 0:

Faction Store Inventory

The Draconis Combine faction store can be accessed in any of their systems after allying with them. A list of all faction stores can be found here.


  • Faction Unique

Faction Weapons Ammunition Equipment Full 'Mechs 'Mech Parts Vehicles Battle Armor Contracts
Kurita logo.png

Draconis Combine (Kurita)

BA Support PPC
Cluster Bomb
C3 Master
HiEx Bomb
Inferno Bomb
Tsunami Heavy Gauss Rifle
Ammo MRM
Ammo MRM Apollo
Apollo FCS
Artemis IV FCS
C3 Slave

Double Heat Sink
Avatar AV1-O
Black Hawk-KU BHKU-O
Blackjack Omni BJ2-O
Battlemaster BLR-K3
Dragon DRG-7N
Dragon Fire DGR-3F
Firestarter Omni
Gladiator GLD-4R
Grand Dragon DRG-7K
Grasshopper GHR-6K
Hatamoto-Chi HTM-28T
Hatamoto-Mizo HTM-27Y
Jenner JR7-K
Jenner JR7-M
Katana CRK-5003-CM
Komodo KIM-2
Lancelot LNC25-01
Lancelot LNC25-03
Mauler MAL-1R
Naginata NG-C3A
Naginata NG-C3B
Naginata NG-C3C
Owens OW-1 Prime
Panther PNT-10K
Phoenix Hawk PXH-7S
Raptor RTX1-O
Salamander PPR-5S
Sorcerer SRC-1A
Sorcerer SRC-1B
Sorcerer SRC-1C
Sorcerer SRC-2D
Sorcerer SRC-2K
Stiletto STL-9K
Stinger STG-A1
Stinger LAM STG-A1
Strider SR1-O
Sunder SD1-O
Super Wasp WSP-2A-X
Sentinel STN-3K
Talon TLN-5W
Templar TLR1-OS
Trebuchet TBT-9K
Trebuchet TBT-9K
Warhammer WHM-9D
Crusader CRD-4K
Teppo Artillery Support Vehicle
Kanazuchi Battle Armor
Raiden Battle Armor
Void Battle Armor
Contract for Dragon Fire Airdrop
Contract for Tokugawa Tank Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Kanazuchi BA Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Raiden BA Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Void BA Airdrop

Starting 'Mechs

The Kurita start randomly selects one 'mech from each of the following five lists for your starting lance. A full list of starts can be found here.

Note: Mechs marked with an asterisk (*) are DLC exclusive and will not be included if you do not have the corresponding DLC.

Starting Planet: Bicester

Generic Medium: Blackjack BJ-1 Centurion CN9-A Hunchback HBK-4G Trebuchet TBT-5N Dervish DV-6M Griffin GRF-1N Shadow Hawk SHD-2H Wolverine WVR-6R Chameleon CLN-7V Crab CRB-20* Phoenix Hawk PXH-1*
Generic Light: UrbanMech UM-R90 Firestarter FS9-H Jenner JR7-D Cicada CDA-2A Commando COM-1D Valkyrie VLK-QA Hussar HSR-300-D*
Generic Bug: Locust LCT-1E Locust LCT-1V Wasp WSP-1A Wasp WSP-1L Stinger STG-3G Stinger STG-3R Hornet HNT-151 Flea FLE-15*
Kurita Light: Mongoose MON-68 Stinger STG-A10 Jenner JR7-C Jenner JR7-K Panther PNT-10K Thorn THE-T Panther PNT-C Hussar HSR-300
Kurita Medium: Blackjack Omni BJ2-O Trebuchet TBT-7K Kintaro KTO-C Kintaro KTO-K Sentinel STN-3L Wolverine WVR-6K Hermes II HER-2S Chimera CMA-1S Gladiator GLD-4R
Generic Light Tank: Scorpion Mk II Scimitar Pegasus Harasser Hunter Saladin Galleon Savannah Master
Generic APC: Sleipnir APC Badger Tracked Transport Wheeled APC (SRM) Alsvin APC Vargr APC
Battle Armor: IS Standard IS-S-BA Kanazuchi KNZ-BA Void VOID-BA Achilles ACH-BA Raiden RAID-BA

Faction 'Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Draconis Combine
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 1st Sword Of Light
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 3rd Night Stalkers
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 2nd Legion Of Vega