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General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 80
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 42
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Jenner Torso Turret (Fixed)
L Laser
M Laser Prototype
M Laser Prototype
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


The original Jenner, now a vanishingly rare 'Mech, had the same general idea as the later JR7-D: fast and evasive with energy-based firepower. However, where the more successful JR7-D would use a quartet of Medium Lasers and a SRM-4 for firepower, the JR7-A instead used a Large Laser and twin Agra Medium Lasers (complete with targeting defect), all torso-mounted with a Star League-era prototype shoulder turret, giving much increased accuracy. The JR7-A was not very popular and was later reworked into the JR7-D and history was made.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 92
Max Stability: 16
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 310
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 38
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso SRM4
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso C3 Slave
Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso CASE
Ammo SRM
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


The Jenner-C is a simple modification of the JR7-K. It simply drops a Medium Laser in exchange for a C3 Slave computer. Otherwise, it is the same as the Jenner-K.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking


  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 3rd Night Stalkers
    • 1st Sword Of Light
    • 2nd Legion Of Vega
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 1st Kittery Borderers
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • The Blackhearts
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Mobile Fire
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Screaming Eagles
    • The Krushers
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Dioscuri
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • The Arcadians
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Always Faithful
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Local Government

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 445
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 60
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head C3 Slave
Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Right Arm ER M Laser
ER M Laser


In the 3060s, Luthien Armor Works began looking at the venerable Jenner, a staple of DCMS forces for centuries, for possible upgrades and refits. One of the approved refits was dubbed the JR7-C3. Upgrading the heat sinks to doubles and the lasers to ER Medium Lasers vastly improved the design's firepower and effectiveness. Dropping the missile launcher permitted the mounting of an extra DHS as well as a C3 Slave unit for linked targeting information. The JR7-C3 quickly became the new gold standard Jenner for the DCMS and served with distinction.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 112
Max Stability: 16
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 48
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso SRM4
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Ammo SRM
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


Jenner Ds run hot, and they run fast but can quickly bound into combat to deliver a knockout punch, even against heavier units. Their capability with speed and weaponry tends to come at the expense of lower armor capacity, though.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Warrior House Imarra
    • 6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry
  • Chainelane Isles
  • Circinus Federation
  • ComStar
    • ComStar
    • 7th Army V-Iota
  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 3rd Night Stalkers
    • 2nd Legion Of Vega
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 1st Kittery Borderers
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 2nd Freemen
    • 4th Kavalleri
  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 30th Marik Militia
  • Hanseatic League
  • Illyrian Palatinate
  • JàrnFòlk
  • Lothian League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • V Legio Ripariensis
    • Cohors Morituri
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • Band of the Damned
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • The Black Outlaws
    • The Blackhearts
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • The Krushers
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Clean Kill
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Kell Hounds
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Death's Consorts
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Mobile Fire
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Always Faithful
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Dioscuri
    • Olson's Rangers
    • The Arcadians
    • Black Caravel
  • New Delphi Compact
  • Nueva Castile
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
    • 4th Alliance Air Wing
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • Rim Collection
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • St. Ives Compact
  • Styk Commonality
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Pleiades Hussars
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers
  • Terracap Confederation
  • The 331st Royal BattleMech Division
  • Dark Caste
  • Word of Blake
    • Word of Blake
    • WoB Protectorate Militia

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/7
Firepower Max Damage: 90
Max Stability: 5
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 580
Structure: 146
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 51
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine XXL Engine
Core 250
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Composite Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso MML5
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Ammo LRM
Ammo SRM
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M VSPL
Right Arm M VSPL


The JR7-DS was a joint Davion-Steiner project to mass produce some of the most advanced technologies available at the time, on a versatile light platform. It was armed with two Medium VSP Lasers and an MML5, fed by one ton bins of LRM and SRM ammo and driven by an XXL 250 engine. Nonetheless, several major compromises were made for ease of production, such as use of basic missile munitions and use of Composite Structure instead of Endo Steel. Though the plans for massive production runs not seen since the days of the Star League were optimistic to begin with and fell apart completely with the start of the FedCom Civil War, a production license was obtained by Corean Enterprises and their facilities on Augusta and Stewart continuously made small production runs until 3070.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 80
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 560
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 40
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


The Jenner F drops the SRM in favor of increasing armor across the entire 'Mech, producing a more durable striker.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 112
Max Stability: 16
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 310
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 43
Alpha: 48
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso SRM4
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso CASE
Ammo SRM
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


The JR7-K adds a higher degree of survivability to the Jenner by upgrading the armor to Ferro-Fibrous, while removing a half ton of the armor. This provides virtually the same armor protection while allowing space for CASE to protect the SRM-4 ammunition.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking


  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 3rd Night Stalkers
    • 1st Sword Of Light
    • 2nd Legion Of Vega
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 1st Kittery Borderers
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 2nd Freemen
    • 1st Tyr
    • 4th Kavalleri
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Mobile Fire
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • The Blackhearts
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • The Krushers
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Kell Hounds
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Always Faithful
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
    • 4th Alliance Air Wing
  • Local Government
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Pleiades Hussars
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 94
Max Stability: 10
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 535
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 63
Alpha: 33
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso MRM10
Left Torso Beagle Probe
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Ammo MRM
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Pulse
Right Arm M Pulse


The Jenner-M is the long-rumored and only recently seen Kuritan upgrade of their famous Jenner with MRMs, the Dragon's favorite weapon system. To accommodate the weight, the JR7-M has to make use of a Light Fusion Engine as well as Endo-Steel and Ferro-Fibrous construction techniques. All of that weight saving goes towards a MRM-10 with a ton of ammo and a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers for backup. A Beagle Active Probe and five jump jets round out the -M's utility suite. The variant has so far served with distinction in Kuritan regiments.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Unique FrankenMech
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/0
Firepower Max Damage: 104
Max Stability: 42
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 63
Alpha: 28
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 235
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso LRM5
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Ammo LRM
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Ammo LRM
Ammo SRM
Left Arm SRM4
Right Arm SRM4


Like many FrankenMechs, the reasoning behind the "Oxide" is lost either to time or the untimely end of its creator. This Jenner can't seem to decide whether it wants to be a short-range skirmisher or an excessively mobile fire-support unit. Either way, when its tubes run dry, it's time to use that speed and get out of there ASAP.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Mech Quirk: Hero Mech

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons, -6 heat at the end of the turn, +2 increased resolve gain

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking


The JR7-O can only be found as an enemy duelist in Game Worlds contracts.

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/5
Firepower Max Damage: 196
Max Stability: 60
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 46
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso RL15
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm M Chem Pulse Laser
Right Arm M Chem Pulse Laser


The Jenner needs no introduction and this, the JR7-PA, is a very simple refit of the venerable design. Replacing the Medium Lasers with 2 Medium Chem Pulse Lasers is a simple swap and removing the SRM-4 in favor of twin RL-15s actually increases the mech's firepower significantly. With the standard movement profile, the JR7-PA is a simple and effective machine.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/0
Firepower Max Damage: 820
Max Stability: 52
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 80
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Prototype XL Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Prototype Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso RL10
Left Torso Heat Sink
Left Arm Light Cannon
Light Cannon
Right Arm Light Cannon
Light Cannon


This Jenner has been refitted to do one job. Use its speed to get in with its cannons and kill a mech. A lucky pilot might even survive.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/6
Firepower Max Damage: 150
Max Stability: 80
Max Heat: 110
Durability Armor: 627
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 48
Alpha: 72
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Prototype XL Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Prototype Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Plating Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Inferno RL20
Inferno RL20
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm Flamer
M Binary Laser
Right Arm Flamer
M Binary Laser


Made by Periphery Arms as a means to bring the meidum Binary Laser on a fast scout, the closely related JR7-PAI-I and JR7-PAI-II, differ only in the setup of their heat sinking. The PAI-II having 2 prototype Freezers instealled in lieu of 2 of the SHS of the PAI-I. Armarment consists of 2 Medium Binary Lasers, 2 Flamers, and 2 Infero RL20s. The Chassis is built upon periphery prototype endosteel and protected by the very cost effective Retro Light Plating.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/6
Firepower Max Damage: 150
Max Stability: 80
Max Heat: 110
Durability Armor: 627
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 56
Alpha: 72
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Prototype XL Engine
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Prototype Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Plating Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Inferno RL20
Inferno RL20
Left Torso Heat Sink Freezer (D)
Heat Sink
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink Freezer (D)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Left Arm Flamer
M Binary Laser
Right Arm Flamer
M Binary Laser


Made by Periphery Arms as a means to bring the medium Binary Laser on a fast scout, the closely related JR7-PAI-I and JR7-PAI-II differ only in the setup of their heat sinking. The PAI-II has 2 prototype Freezers installed in lieu of 2 of the SHS of the PAI-I. Armament consists of 2 Medium Binary Lasers, 2 Flamers, and 2 Inferno RL20s. The Chassis is built upon periphery prototype endosteel and protected by the very cost effective Retro Light Plating.


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/7
Firepower Max Damage: 254
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 670
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 96
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (C)
Core 245
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro XL Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor (C)
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Jet (S)
Streak SRM6
Left Torso Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Ammo Streak SRM [Half]
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Ammo Streak SRM [Half]
Left Arm Heavy M Laser (C)
Heavy M Laser (C)
Laser Insulator
Laser Insulator
Right Arm Heavy M Laser (C)
Heavy M Laser (C)
Laser Insulator
Laser Insulator


Originally a Clan Tech battlefield refit done by the Bear Necessities, the Jenner BN proved a popular refit among mercenary comapnies with access to clan salvage. Espoused as the eptitome of the original D design, the BN is fast, well armored, and delivers a devastating punch with its close in weaponry.

<b><color=#e51717>COMMUNITY CONTENT</color></b>


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking


  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 1st Sword Of Light
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 1st Tyr
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Kell Hounds
    • Eridani Light Horse

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 35T
Stock Role Fast Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 143
Max Stability: 30
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 667
Structure: 291
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 27
Melee Kick: 35
Punch: 18
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 210
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Plating Armor
Head Jenner Improved Cooling (Fixed)
Ammo MRM
Center Torso RL15
Rocket Ammo Feed
Left Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Heat Sink
Right Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Chem Laser
M Chem Laser
Right Arm M Chem Laser
M Chem Laser


Modern lances deserve modern upgrades! Don't let brownfield let you down! Are your Jenners running too hot and too light on armor? Using the best of PAI tech, we've upgraded the venerable Jenner C with MORE armor, MORE weapons, all the while running LESS hot for LESS cost! This is the ultimate - the Jenner PC - The 3 medium lasers has been increased and upgraded 4 top tier Medium Chemical Lasers, while the measly 4 torso missiles have been quintupled to 20 higher range Rockets, complete with an ammo feed for extra firepower! Show your crew that you love them, get the Jenner PC today!


Mech Quirk: Improved Cooling

-3 heat per turn

Pilot Affinity: Cool Running

Adds 6 bonus heat sinking



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout