Taurian Concordat

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Taurian Concordat
TaurianConcordat logo.png
Capital World Taurus
Ruler Grover Shraplen
Military Taurian Defense Force (TDF)
Secret Service Taurian Ministry of Intelligence (TMI)

The Taurian Concordat is one of the largest Periphery states, located rimward of Terra, beyond the Federated Suns. Founded and ruled by House Calderon, the Concordat prides itself on its independence, freedom, and stability. The Concordat is wealthy, well educated, and well armed for a Periphery state. The Taurians defend their independence fiercely against Inner Sphere aggression, particularly by the Federated Suns; they perceive House Davion's reputation as a protector of liberties as unwarranted and even hypocritical, and they have a long history of conflict with the much larger Successor State. The current ruler of the Concordat is Protector Grover Shraplen.


Taurian Guard

Taurian Guard

Taurian Guard

Unit Rating: Elite

The Taurian Guard, also called the Hell's Heart Regiment after a comment from one of the first scout vessel captains to lay eyyes on the Hyades Cluster, is the official last line of defense for the Taurian Concordat. They take their position as the Concordat's finest with pride and count seven Taurian Brands in their history, the highest honor a soldier in the Taurian Defense Force can receive.

Pleiades Hussars

Pleiades Hussars

Pleiades Hussars

Unit Rating: Regular

The Pleiades Hussars is a regular rated unit and ranks highly with the current Protector due to their long years as garrison troops of MacLeod's World. However, the Pleiades Hussars are also known for their brinkmanship with the Federated Suns, having nearly escalated into a full blown military incident on at least eight known occasions.

3rd Taurian Lancers

3rd Taurian Lancers

3rd Taurian Lancers

Unit Rating: Garrison

The 3rd Taurian Lancers are a recently raised unit using materials and personnel originally meant for the Colonial Marshals. They are mostly notable for a feud with local mercenary unit Vandelay's Valkyries, which eventually escalated to a shooting match where both sides lost more than a lance of BattleMechs.

Enemy Factions

The following is a list of factions that can appear as opfor in missions while working for the Taurian Concordat. Additionally, while allied with the Taurian Concordat these factions will consider you an enemy and your reputation with them will not rise above 0:

Faction Store Inventory

The Taurian Concordat faction store can be accessed in any of their systems after allying with them. A list of all faction stores can be found here.


  • Faction Unique
Faction Weapons Ammunition Equipment Full 'Mechs 'Mech Parts Vehicles Battle Armor Contracts
TaurianConcordat logo.png

Taurian Concordat

BA Medium Recoilless Rifle
Heavy PPC
Light PPC
Snub-Nose PPC
None Bracing Cockpit
Clint CLNT-2-3T
Clint CLNT-2-4U
Devastator DVS-1D
Guillotine GLT-4L
Mackie MSK-9H
Ostwar OWR-2N
Roughneck RGH-1A
Stinger STG-5M
Talos TLS-1B
Talos TLS-1T
Talos TLS-2B
Talos TLS-3G
Talos TLS-3M
Toro TR-A-6
Toro TR-A-8
Valkyrie VLK-QA
Warhammer WHM-6R
None None Asterion Battle Armor
Contract for Heavy Mortar Carrier Tank Airdrop
Contract for Talos Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Asterion BA Airdrop

Starting 'Mechs

The Taurian start randomly selects one 'mech from each of the following five lists for your starting lance. A full list of starts can be found here.

Note: Mechs marked with an asterisk (*) are DLC exclusive and will not be included if you do not have the corresponding DLC.

Starting Planet: Illiushin

Generic Periphery Medium: Whitworth WTH-1 Vindicator VND-1R Centurion CN9-A Trebuchet TBT-5N Griffin GRF-1N Shadow Hawk SHD-2H Wolverine WVR-6R Clint CLNT-2-3T Vulcan VL-2T* Assassin ASN-21*
Generic Periphery Light: Locust LCT-1E UrbanMech UM-R60 Mongoose MON-67 Commando COM-2D Cicada CDA-2A Panther PNT-8Z Hornet HNT-151
Generic Bug: Locust LCT-1E Locust LCT-1V Wasp WSP-1A Wasp WSP-1L Stinger STG-3G Stinger STG-3R Hornet HNT-151 Flea FLE-15*
Taurian Light: Locust LCT-3V Mongoose MON-67 Valkyrie VLK-QA Toro TR-A-6 Panther PNT-9R Firestarter FS9-H
Taurian Medium: Talos TLS-1B Centurion CN9-A Trebuchet TBT-5N Hunchback HBK-4H Shadow Hawk SHD-2H Wolverine WVR-6R Whitworth WTH-1
Generic Light Tank: Scorpion Mk II Scimitar Pegasus Harasser Hunter Saladin Galleon Savannah Master
Generic APC: Sleipnir APC Badger Tracked Transport Wheeled APC (SRM) Alsvin APC Vargr APC
Battle Armor: IS Standard IS-S-BA Achilles ACH-BA Asterion AST-BA

Faction 'Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Taurian Concordat
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Taurian Guard
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Pleiades Hussars
Assault Mechs
Medium Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 3rd Taurian Lancers