Tortuga Dominions
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Tortuga Dominions
Details | |
Capital World | Tortuga Prime |
Ruler | Paula Trevaline |
Military | Various pirate bands |
Secret Service | Unknown |
The Tortuga Dominion is a small collective of assorted pirates, brigands and other bandits that are lead by Dame 'Lady Death' Paula Trevaline and her 'Deaths Consorts'.
Enemy Factions
The following is a list of factions that can appear as opfor in missions while working for the Tortuga Dominions. Additionally, while allied with the Tortuga Dominions these factions will consider you an enemy and your reputation with them will not rise above 0:
- ComStar
- Draconis Combine (Kurita)
- Federated Suns (Davion)
- Local Government
- New Delphi Compact
- Outworlds Alliance
- Taurian Concordat
Faction Store Inventory
The Tortuga Dominions faction store can be accessed in any of their systems after allying with them. A list of all faction stores can be found here.
- Faction Unique
Faction | Weapons | Ammunition | Equipment | Full 'Mechs | 'Mech Parts | Vehicles | Battle Armor | Contracts |
![]() |
ER Flamer Heavy Flamer Plasma Rifle Precision SRM2 Precision SRM4 Precision SRM6 |
Ammo Plasma |
BattleMech Airdrop Beacon Plasma FCS SRM FCS |
Brigand LDT-X1 Brigand LDT-X2 Brigand LDT-1 Corsair COR-5R Corsair COR-5T Corsair COR-6R Corsair COR-7A Corsair COR-7R |
None | None | None | Contract for Brigand Airdrop |
Starting 'Mechs
The Tortuga Dominions do not have a starting 'mechs option.
Faction 'Mechs
Assault Mechs
- Atlas AS7-D
- Atlas AS7-D-PA
- Atlas AS7-PA
- Atlas AS7-RS
- Atlas AS7-S
- Atlas-N2K Proto Atlas-N2K-Proto
- Awesome AWS-7PA
- Awesome AWS-8PA
- Awesome AWS-8Q
- Awesome AWS-9Q
- Banshee BNC-2PA
- Banshee BNC-3E
- Banshee BNC-3EA
- Banshee BNC-3PA
- BattleHammer BHA-2D
- BattleMaster BLR-1G
- BattleMaster BLR-1PA
- BattleMaster BLR-2PA
- BattleMaster BLR-3M
- Charger CGR-1A1
- Charger CGR-1A5
- Charger CGR-1L
- Charger CGR-1PA1
- Charger CGR-1PA2
- Charger CGR-1PAR1
- Charger CGR-2A2
- Corsair COR-5R
- Corsair COR-5T
- Corsair COR-6R
- Corsair COR-7A
- Corsair COR-7A2
- Corsair COR-7R
- Corsair COR-8R
- Cyclops CP-10-P
- Cyclops CP-10-PA
- Cyclops CP-10-Z
- Emperor EMP-5PA
- Goliath GOL-1H
- Goliath GOL-1PA
- Goliath GOL-2H
- Goliath GOL-3PA
- Goliath GOL-4P
- Goliath GOL-4PA
- Jotunn JTN-4PA
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR3
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR4
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR5
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR6
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR7
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KR8
- Kiso ConstructionMech K-3M-KRF
- Longbow LGB-0H
- Longbow LGB-0PAA
- Longbow LGB-0PAB
- Longbow LGB-0W
- Longbow LGB-0W2
- Longbow LGB-7Q
- Longbow LGB-7S
- Longbow LGB-8C
- Mackie MSK-5PA
- Mackie MSK-7A
- Mackie MSK-8B
- Mackie MSK-9H
- Mackie MSK-9P
- Primitive Banshee BNC-1E
- Primitive Emperor EMP-1A
- Primitive Longbow LGB-0C
- Primitive Mackie MSK-5S
- Primitive Mackie MSK-6S
- Primitive Mackie MSK-7S
- Primitive Ymir BWP-X1
- Primitive Ymir BWP-XPA
- Stalker STK-3H
- Stalker STK-3PA
- Stalker STK-3PAM
- Stalker STK-4N
- Victor VTR-9A1
- Victor VTR-9B
- Victor VTR-9K
- Victor VTR-9PA
- Victor VTR-MKD
- Ymir BWP-2PA
- Zeus ZEU-3SK
- Zeus ZEU-6PA
- Zeus ZEU-6S
- Zeus ZEU-6S1
- Zeus ZEU-9S
Heavy Mechs
- Archer ARC-2R
- Archer ARC-4M
- Archer ARC-6PA
- Archer ARC-6W
- Axman AXM-1TL
- Battleaxe BKX-7PA
- Bellerophon BEL-2PA
- Black Knight BL-7PA-KNT
- Black Marauder MAD-BM
- Cataphract CTF-1PA
- Catapult CPLT-C1
- Catapult CPLT-H2
- Catapult CPLT-ML
- Corsair (75T) COR-4A
- Corsair (75T) COR-4C
- Corsair (75T) COR-4D
- Corsair (75T) COR-4PA
- Corsair (75T) COR-4R
- Crusader CRD-3PA
- Crusader CRD-3PA1
- Crusader CRD-3R
- Crusader CRD-4PA
- Dragon DRG-1PA
- Dragon DRG-2PA
- Dragon DRG-5PA
- ExcavatorMech EXV-2B
- ExcavatorMech EXV-7H
- Grand Dragon DRG-FR
- Grasshopper GHR-5H
- Grasshopper GHR-5J
- Grasshopper GHR-5N
- Guillotine GLT-4L
- Guillotine GLT-4P
- Hector HOR-2PA
- Helepolis HEP-2PA1
- Helepolis HEP-2PA2
- JagerMech JM6-PA
- JagerMech JM6-PA1
- JagerMech JM6-PA2
- Koschei KSC-3P
- Koschei KSC-3PA
- Loader King LDR-K-1
- Loader King LDR-K-2
- Loader King LDR-K-3
- Marauder MAD-1PA
- Marauder MAD-3R
- Merlin MLN-1A
- Merlin MLN-1B
- Merlin MLN-1PA
- Orion ON1-K
- Orion ON1-K-T
- Orion ON1-M
- Orion ON1-V
- Orion ON1-VA
- Orion ON2-B
- Ostroc OSR-2C
- Ostroc OSR-2D
- Ostroc OSR-2PA
- Ostroc OSR-3C
- Ostsol OTL-2PA
- Ostsol OTL-4C
- Ostsol OTL-4D
- Ostsol OTL-4PA
- Ostwar OWR-2N
- Ostwar OWR-2PA
- Primitive Archer ARC-1A
- Primitive Battleaxe BKX-1X
- Primitive Bellerophon BEL-1X
- Primitive Griffin GRF-1A
- Primitive Griffin GRF-1PA
- Primitive Hector HOR-1B
- Primitive Hector HOR-1C
- Primitive Helepolis HEP-1H
- Primitive Orion ON1-C
- Primitive Orion ON1-H
- Primitive Ostwar OWR-2M
- Primitive Thunderbolt TDR-1C
- Quickdraw QKD-4PA
- Reconquista RCQ-1H
- Reconquista RCQ-1PA
- Rifleman RFL-3N
- Rifleman RFL-3PA
- Rifleman RFL-3R
- Rifleman IIC RFL-IIC-P
- Roughneck RGH-1A
- Roughneck RGH-1B
- Roughneck RGH-1C
- Roughneck RGH-3A
- Roughneck RGH-4A
- Stalker (75T) STK-4PAM
- Thunderbolt TDR-5PA
- Thunderbolt TDR-5S
- Von Rohrs VON-4RH-5P
- Warhammer WHM-2K
- Warhammer WHM-6PA
- Warhammer WHM-6R
- Warhammer WHM-7M
- Warhammer WHM-7PA
- Woden WDN-2Y
- Woden WDN-3Y
Medium Mechs
- Assassin ASN-101PA
- Assassin ASN-21
- Assassin ASN-30PA
- Blackjack BJ-1PA
- Blackjack BJ-2
- Blackjack BJ-2PA
- Blackjack BJ-3
- Bombard BMB-SB
- Centurion CN9-D
- Centurion CN9-PA
- Centurion CN9-PA1
- Centurion CN9-PA2
- Centurion CN9-PA3
- Centurion CN9-PAH
- Chameleon CLN-7PA
- Chameleon CLN-7V
- Chameleon TRC-4B
- Cicada CDA-2A
- Cicada CDA-2PA
- Cicada CDA-3PA
- Cicada CDA-3V
- Clint CLNT-2-3PA
- Corsair (55T) COR-3PA
- Dervish DV-6M
- Dervish DV-6PA
- Enforcer ENF-3PA
- Enforcer ENF-4AS
- Enforcer ENF-4R
- Enforcer II ENF-5PA
- ExcavatorMech EXV-1X
- ExcavatorMech EXV-4B
- ExcavatorMech EXV-4K
- ExcavatorMech EXV-4PA
- ExcavatorMech EXV-5K
- ExcavatorMech EXV-8T
- Gladiator GLD-2PA
- Gladiator GLD-4H
- Griffin GRF-1N
- Griffin GRF-1TL
- Griffin GRF-5PA
- Hatchetman HCT-3F
- Hatchetman HCT-3X
- Hunchback HBK-4A
- Hunchback HBK-4B
- Hunchback HBK-4G
- Hunchback HBK-4H
- Hunchback HBK-4J
- Hunchback HBK-4N
- Hunchback HBK-4P
- Hunchback HBK-4PA
- Hunchback HBK-4PA1
- Hunchback HBK-4PA2
- Hunchback HBK-4SP
- Hunchback HBK-5H
- Hunchback HBK-5PA
- Hunchback HBK-6PA
- Icarus II ICR-1PA
- Icarus II ICR-2PA
- Icarus II ICR-2R
- Icarus II ICR-2S
- Kintaro KTO-18PA
- Phoenix PX-3PA
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1PA
- Primitive Dervish DV-1S
- Primitive Gladiator GLD-1R
- Primitive Icarus ICR-1X
- Primitive Kyudo KY2-D-01
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1KC
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1KL
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1KR
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1KT
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1PA
- Primitive Phoenix PX-1R
- Primitive Rifleman RFL-1N
- Primitive Shadow Hawk SHD-1R
- Primitive Swordsman SWD-1
- Primitive Wolverine WVR-1R
- Primitive Wolverine WVR-3R
- Rifleman RFL-2N
- Rifleman RFL-2PA
- Scorpion SCP-15MPA
- Scorpion SCP-1A
- Scorpion SCP-1N
- Scorpion SCP-1PA
- Shadow Hawk SHD-1PA
- Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
- Shadow Hawk SHD-2PA
- Shadow Hawk SHD-6PA
- Shadow Hawk SHD-7D
- Skadi SHD-SKD
- Swordsman SWD-2PA
- Trebuchet TBT-5N
- Trebuchet TBT-5PA
- Trebuchet TBT-5S
- Trebuchet TBT-6PA
- Vindicator VND-1PA
- Vindicator VND-2AN
- Vindicator VND-MKD
- Vulcan VL-2T
- Vulcan VL-5PA
- Vulcan VL-5T
- Vulcan VT-5TL
- Vulcan VT-6PA
- Whitworth WTH-1
- Whitworth WTH-1H
- Whitworth WTH-2PA
- Wolverine WVR-2P
- Wolverine WVR-2PA
Light Mechs
- Brigand LDT-1
- Brigand LDT-1PA
- Brigand LDT-3
- Brigand LDT-WTF
- Brigand LDT-X1
- Brigand LDT-X2
- Commando COM-1PA
- Commando COM-2D
- Commando COM-2D-FT
- Firebee FRB-2PA
- Firestarter FS9-H
- Firestarter FS9-J
- Firestarter FS9-PA1
- Firestarter FS9-PA2
- Firestarter FS9-Q
- Firestarter FS9-S
- Firestarter FS9-S1
- Flea FLE-17
- Flea FLE-23
- Hollander BZK-D2
- Hollander BZK-G1
- Hollander BZK-T100
- Hollander BZK-T200
- Hornet HNT-151
- Hornet HNT-191
- Jackrabbit JKR-10M
- Jackrabbit JKR-8Hz
- Jackrabbit JKR-8PA
- Jackrabbit JKR-9PA
- Javelin JVN-10A
- Javelin JVN-10F
- Javelin JVN-10N
- Javelin JVN-10PA
- Javelin JVN-12PA
- Jenner JR7-PA
- Jenner JR7-PA1
- Jenner JR7-PAI-I
- Jenner JR7-PAI-II
- Jenner JR7-PC
- Locust LCT-0D
- Locust LCT-1PA
- Locust LCT-1V
- Locust LCT-1V2
- Locust LCT-3V
- Locust LCT-4P
- Locust LCT-5V
- Mongoose MON-67
- Panther PNT-10PA
- Panther PNT-11PA
- Panther PNT-8Z
- Panther PNT-9PA
- Panther PNT-9R
- Primitive Commando COM-1A
- Primitive Commando COM-1AK
- Primitive Firebee WAM-B
- Primitive Toro TR-A-1
- Primitive Wasp WSP-1
- Spider SDR-5V
- Spider SDR-7PA
- Spider SDR-7PAG
- Stinger STG-3G
- Stinger STG-3PA
- Stinger STG-3R
- Stinger STG-5PA
- Toro TR-PA-6
- Toro TR-PA-7
- Trooper TP-1R
- UrbanMech UM-R100PH
- UrbanMech UM-R100PT
- UrbanMech UM-R29
- UrbanMech UM-R60
- UrbanMech UM-R60L
- UrbanMech UM-R60P
- UrbanMech UM-R61
- UrbanMech UM-R71
- Valkyrie VLK-2H
- Valkyrie VLK-QP
- Wasp WSP-1A
- Wasp WSP-4PA