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General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Sniper & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 40
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 193
Structure: 324
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 27
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Primitive Engine (Fixed)
Core 120
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Commando Rugged Structure (Fixed)
Head Primitive Cockpit (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Arm L Laser Prototype


The original Commando used prototype equipment that was similarly primitive to those found in the first BattleMech, the Mackie. This version was completely replaced by its successor. First constructed in 2463, the 'Mech was equipped with only an Odin Large Laser mounted in its right arm.


Mech Quirk: Primitive

+50% structure points, 50% resistance to critical hits, -40% sensor range, -20% sight range, +20% engine weight

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Sniper & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 52
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 348
Structure: 324
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 29
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Primitive Engine (Fixed)
Core 120
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Commando Rugged Structure (Fixed)
Head Primitive Cockpit (Fixed)
S Laser
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Laser Prototype
Right Arm M Laser Prototype


The original Commando used prototype equipment that was similarly primitive to those found in the first BattleMech, the Mackie. The COM-1AK is a Retrotech variant of the COM-1A, produced by Periphery powers who can't quite make a true BattleMech but need something to look scary to pirates. It drops the Large Laser of the -1A for two Medium Lasers and a Small Laser, with the rest of the tonnage going into armor.


Mech Quirk: Primitive

+50% structure points, 50% resistance to critical hits, -40% sensor range, -20% sight range, +20% engine weight

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Sniper & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 76
Max Stability: 8
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 32
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM2
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm L Laser


The Large Laser mounted by most IB models is nothing to sniff at, but it lacks the close-up impact of the SRMs it replaces. Best to keep these units at range for flanking and spotting.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Sniper & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 47
Max Stability: 9
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 13
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Ammo AC/2
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm AC/2


The Commando 1C is a recent variant that attempts to make a long range direct fire support unit, by removing the missiles and replacing them with a single AC2 in the right arm.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 88
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 240
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 30
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Arm L Laser


The predecessor to the 2D, the Commando 1D was meant to give the MechWarrior a little more long range punch with a Large Laser at the cost of some of its armor. While the 2D is superior in most aspects, there are still a number of this older design still in service today.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Sniper & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 65
Max Stability: 27
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 16
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo Medium Rifle
Ammo Medium Rifle
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm Medium Rifle


The Commando COM-1C is the black sheep of the Commando family, little loved and oft-forgot. However, Periphery Arms, Inc. remembers and decided to pay tribute to that long-forgotten design with the COM-1PA. The -1PA's Medium Rifle is a noticeable upgrade over the -1C's AC/2, giving it much more punch in combat. The -1PA retains the left arm Medium Laser for no-frills firepower.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 40
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 30
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm SRM4


With all those SRMs, the COM-2D is like a small, highly mobile shotgun that can take down 'Mechs twice its size or bigger. You've gotta be careful with it, though, because it's not meant to take much of a beating.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Chainelane Isles
  • Circinus Federation
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 2nd Freemen
    • 1st Tyr
    • 4th Kavalleri
  • Hanseatic League
  • Illyrian Palatinate
  • JàrnFòlk
  • Lothian League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • I Legio Martia Victrix
    • V Legio Ripariensis
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Thermo Police
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • The Blackhearts
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Krushers
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Clean Kill
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Mobile Fire
    • Kell Hounds
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Broadsword Legion
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Band of the Damned
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Death's Consorts
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Always Faithful
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Black Caravel
  • New Delphi Compact
  • Nueva Castile
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 1st Alliance Air Wing
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • Rim Collection
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Pleiades Hussars
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers
  • Terracap Confederation
  • The 331st Royal BattleMech Division
  • Dark Caste
  • Tortuga Dominions

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 304
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 400
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 56
Alpha: 140
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head M Laser
Center Torso S Laser
S Laser
S Laser
S Laser
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
S Laser
S Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
S Laser
S Laser
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
Left Leg S Laser
S Laser
Right Leg S Laser
S Laser


Dubbed the 'Blazing Inferno', this variant of the 2D chassis removes all the missiles and instead adds three more Medium Lasers and six Small Lasers, along with an extra ton of armor.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 140
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 360
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 18
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Prototype XL Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head M Chem Laser
Center Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
S Chem Laser
S Chem Laser
Left Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Chem Laser
Left Arm M Chem Laser
Right Arm M Chem Laser
Left Leg S Chem Laser
S Chem Laser
Right Leg S Chem Laser
S Chem Laser


Fresh from your friends at Periphery Arms, Inc. comes this Commando, affectionately named the `Frozen Tempest`. Based on the Blazing Inferno, the Frozen Tempest uses a battery of Chemical Lasers for firepower while a Prototype XL engine keeps it all running. Where the Blazing Inferno used standard lasers and was famous for overheating in the thick of combat the Frozen Tempest's chemical lasers run as cool as a glass of ice water in the arctic, ensuring you'll never overheat again. PAI: We hit it out of the park again, just for you!


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 102
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 445
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 50
Alpha: 31
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (S)
Core 180
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (S)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (S) (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor (S)
Head Sanctuary Drone Interface (Fixed)
Center Torso Gatling Gun (S)
Left Torso Ammo Gatling
Ammo Gatling [Half]
Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink Double (S)
Left Arm Gatling Gun (S)
Twin-Linked S Laser (S)
Right Arm Gatling Gun (S)
Gatling Gun (S)


Orignally an exclusively Lyran design, the Commando's plans were smuggled out of Lyran space and into the hands of the companies that would become the Sanctuary Worlds nations, leading to the Commando being taken with them on their sojurn out of the Inner Sphere. The COM-2G is a light hunter design. Meant to outpace other Sanctuary lights and to shred their thin armor with a hail of weapons fire, the -2G brings a quartet of Gatling Guns to the fight, backed by a single Twin-Linked Laser. It also increases the engine size to a 180-rated XL engine, for that extra burst of speed.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 98
Max Stability: 8
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 400
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 50
Alpha: 43
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (S)
Core 150
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (S)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (S) (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor (S)
Head Sanctuary Drone Interface (Fixed)
Center Torso APM4 (S)
Supercharger (S)
Left Torso Ammo APM
Ammo APM
Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Left Arm L Elec-Laser (S)
Right Arm APM4 (S)
Left Leg Supercharger Components
Right Leg Supercharger Components


Orignally an exclusively Lyran design, the Commando's plans were smuggled out of Lyran space and into the hands of the companies that would become the Sanctuary Worlds nations, leading to the Commando being taken with them on their sojurn out of the Inner Sphere. The COM-2P is a battlefield support design. Armed primarily with twin APM-4s for support duties, the -2V is capable of bringing several different ammos to bear on its enemies. For actual heft in combat, it uses a Large Electro-Laser to smash lighter targets. Finally, a Supercharger provides extra speed.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 60
Max Stability: 10
Max Heat: 20
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 50
Alpha: 45
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (S)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (S) (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Sanctuary Drone Interface (Fixed)
Center Torso DRM6 (S)
Left Torso Ammo DRM
Ammo DRM [Half]
Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Right Torso Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Left Arm M Elec-Laser (S)
Right Arm DRM4 (S)


Orignally an exclusively Lyran design, the Commando's plans were smuggled out of Lyran space and into the hands of the companies that would become the Sanctuary Worlds nations, leading to the Commando being taken with them on their sojurn out of the Inner Sphere. The COM-2S is the prime Sanctuary design, armed with a DRM-6, a DRM-4, and a Medium Electro-Laser it performs much like its older Inner Sphere COM-2D cousin. However, Endo-Steel and Sanctuary DHS provide a good advantage over the older model.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 70
Max Stability: 12
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 355
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 50
Alpha: 26
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (S)
Core 150
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (S)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (S) (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor (S)
Head Sanctuary Drone Interface (Fixed)
Center Torso VRM6 (S)
Left Torso Ammo AMS [Half]
Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Ammo VRM
Ammo VRM
Right Torso Heat Sink Double (S)
Heat Sink Double (S)
Left Arm AMS (S)
Twin-Linked S Laser (S)
Right Arm VRM6 (S)


Orignally an exclusively Lyran design, the Commando's plans were smuggled out of Lyran space and into the hands of the companies that would become the Sanctuary Worlds nations, leading to the Commando being taken with them on their sojurn out of the Inner Sphere. The COM-2V is a support design, meant for fast hit-and-run attacks at range. Armed with twin VRM-6s, the -2V has excellent ranged capabilities. An AMS helps cover it from return fire, while a Twin-Linked Laser protects it from pesky light mechs running up close to it.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 121
Max Stability: 48
Max Heat: 15
Durability Armor: 240
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 34
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm Flamer


A very recent variant, the 3A mounts a pair of SRM-6 racks and supplements its close in firepower with a Flamer. It is an excellent quick strike 'Mech, but suffers in drawn out fights due to a limited supply of ammunition for the SRMs.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Always Faithful
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Kell Hounds
    • Broadsword Legion
    • The Blackhearts
    • Olson's Rangers
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • The Arcadians
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Dioscuri
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 490
Max Stability: 180
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 110
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm RL15


Designed by the Marian Hegemony, the Commando-4H was designed to bring an absurd punch for its weight. The -4H replaces the -2D's missile launchers with a whopping six Rocket Launcher 15s and a second Medium Laser. Beware of the -4H getting behind you.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • I Legio Martia Victrix
    • V Legio Ripariensis
  • Mercenaries
    • Band of the Damned
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Death's Consorts
    • Shen-Se Tian
  • Pirates

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 86
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 265
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 44
Alpha: 28
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Left Torso Artemis IV FCS
Right Torso CASE
Heat Sink
Ammo Streak SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm Streak SRM2
Left Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink


The COM-5S was the first Commando to feature Star League technology. Its new targeting system links an Artemis IV Fire Control System to the SRM-6 and exchanges the SRM-4 with a Streak SRM-2. Additionally, the chassis has been upgraded with Endo Steel, the armor has been upgraded to Ferro-Fibrous, and CASE has been added to protect the ammunition.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Davion Assault Guards
    • 10th Lyran Guards
    • 2nd Crucis Lancers
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 1st Tyr
    • 2nd Freemen
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Hanseatic League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 6th Lyran Guards
    • 11th Avalon Hussars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Federated Freemen
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Krushers
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Dioscuri
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • The Arcadians
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Kell Hounds
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Always Faithful
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Local Government
  • St. Ives Compact

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 84
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 440
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 26
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM4
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso CASE
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Ammo SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm SRM4


Long the darling of the Lyran Commonwealth’s scouting formations,the Commando has enjoyed great success over its many centuries of service. Once exclusively Lyran, the Succession Wars spread the capable little ’Mech to various mercenary companies, where a score of variants commonly called the -7 series emerged. Thrifty mercenaries often swap missile racks for energy independence. A major factory refit, the Commando COM-7A utilizes recovered technology known as endo-steel, Downgrading the COM-2D's SRM-6 to a SRM-4 grants an improvement in armor to near the maximum the chassis can carry.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 20
Max Stability: 6
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 240
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 6
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso Ammo RAC/2
Ammo RAC/2
Left Arm Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Rotary AC/2


Often forgotten, the COM-1C nonetheless inspired this, a Federated Commonwealth testbed for the Rotary Autocannon system. Where the -1C carried an Autocannon/2, the -7C ups the ante with a mighty Rotary Autocannon/2, capable of spitting out 6 times the damage. Unlike the earlier design though, the -7C carries no backup weaponry and is based around a more fragile Light Fusion Engine.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/5
Firepower Max Damage: 84
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 26
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM4
Jump Jet (S)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso CASE
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm SRM4
Left Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)
Right Leg Jump Jet (S)
Jump Jet (S)


Long the darling of the Lyran Commonwealth’s scouting formations,the Commando has enjoyed great success over its many centuries of service. Once exclusively Lyran, the Succession Wars spread the capable little ’Mech to various mercenary companies, where a score of variants commonly called the -7 series emerged. Thrifty mercenaries often swap missile racks for energy independence. A major factory refit, the Commando COM-7J utilizes recovered technology known as endo-steel. Downgrading the COM-2D's SRM-6 to a SRM-4 grants the tonnage needed to include jump-jets for improved maneuverability.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 118
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 280
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 50
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso Artemis IV FCS
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso CASE
Ammo Streak SRM
Left Arm ER M Laser
ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Heat Sink (D)
Streak SRM2
Streak SRM2


This update of the COM-5S introduced in 3059 is also built on an Endo Steel chassis but uses a new Light Fusion engine. The 'Mech carries two Streak SRM-2 launchers, an SRM-4 with an Artemis IV Fire Control System, and two ER Medium Lasers in the left arm.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 187
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 400
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 110
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head ER M Laser
Center Torso ER S Laser
S Laser
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Left Arm ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm ER M Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Left Leg ER S Laser
ER S Laser
Right Leg ER S Laser
ER S Laser


Debuting during the FedCom Civil War but not gaining traction until recently, the 'Blazing Inferno II' carries the spirit of the popular Succession Wars variant into a new age. This refit runs hot even with its double heat sinks, but the installation of Triple-Strength Myomers turns the heat into a benefit. Though still a competent scout, the COM- 7T’s prodigious volume of fire more often sees it deployed as a striker.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 108
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 42
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


Originally developed by a luckless mercenary unit named Team Venom, the COM-7X is a simple and efficient refit of the traditional Commando COM-2D. The -7X removes the -2D's SRM-4 and replaces it with an additional Medium Laser in each arm. While this increases the 'Mech's heat burden, the firepower boost is well worth it. The COM-7X is in service to many Periphery Powers and mercenary commands and serves with distinction.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 90
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 34
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM4
Left Torso Heat Sink
Right Torso CASE
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Ammo SRM
Ammo Streak SRM
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm Streak SRM2
Left Leg Heat Sink
Right Leg Heat Sink


A further continuation of the mercenary-style 'standardized' refits of the basic Commando COM-2D chassis, the COM-7W is a hybrid design that takes design cues from the production COM-5S and overlays them on the COM-7A chassis. The result is a Commando with 2 Medium Lasers, a CT-mounted TharHes SRM-4 launcher, and a Holly Streak SRM-2 in the arm. When the three tons of CASEed ammunition is applied to this warload, the COM-7W has a longevity rarely seen on the Commando chassis.

Wiki Team note: The COM-7W was intended for release in Update 17.4, but technical issues prevented it. This tab has been left as a placeholder.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 108
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 400
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 42
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm M Laser


A semi-standardized verision of Team Venom's Commando COM-7X variant, the COM-7Y exchanges the 2nd ton of SRM ammunition for an additional ton of armor significantly increasing survivability. Beyond this simple alteration, the mech is just an simple field refit of a Commando COM-2D, much like the COM-7X before it was.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 304
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 400
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 56
Alpha: 140
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head M Laser
Center Torso S Laser
S Laser
S Laser
S Laser
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
S Laser
S Laser
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Laser
S Laser
S Laser
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
Left Leg S Laser
S Laser
Right Leg S Laser
S Laser


Dubbed the 'Blazing Inferno', this variant of the 2D chassis removes all the missiles and instead adds three more Medium Lasers and six Small Lasers, along with an extra ton of armor.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 88
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 440
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 32
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso CASE
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm M Laser
Right Arm M Laser


Designed as a forward deployed field base refit for the Commando COM-2D, the COM-7Z is a simple refit that gives up the SRM-4 in the right arm for an additional medium laser as well as Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment, aka CASE. Along with these changes, extra armor has been squeezed onto the chassis.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 72
Max Stability: 24
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 440
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 22
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso SRM6
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Beagle Probe
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm S Laser
Right Arm S Laser


Like the Commando COM-7Z, the COM-7Z2 is a forward-deployed field base refit of the Commando COM-2D. While the COM-7Z replaces the SRM-4 with a Medium Laser, CASE, and some extra armor, the COM-7Z2 replaces both the Medium Laser and SRM-4 with two small lasers. CASE is not fitted, and instead this variant carries a Beagle Active Probe to enhance the mech's scouting capabilities. Of course, that is at the cost of the combat capabilities vs the COM-2D or COM-7Z.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 10th Lyran Guards
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Clean Kill
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • The Krushers
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Always Faithful
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • The Blackhearts
    • The Arcadians
    • Dioscuri
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Mobile Fire
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Black Caravel
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • Styk Commonality
  • Terracap Confederation

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Ancestral Striker
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 106
Max Stability: 32
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 313
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 37
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Center Torso SRM2
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Left Arm ER S Laser
M Pulse
Right Arm SRM2


This Commando has been modified and updated throughout the decades as the ancestral mech of your family in the Lyran Commonwealth. Armed with a heavy loadout of four SRM-2 launchers as well as a Medium Pulse Laser and ER Small Laser, this Commando can easily bring its two tons of specialist ammo to bear against its enemies. Ferro-Fibrous armor provides moderate protection while the traditional 150-rated fusion engine keeps the mech cruising easily.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Mech Quirk: Ancestral Mech

+2 accuracy with ranged weapons, +5 lance resolve gain

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


Mech not found with any factions, it's probably obtained from Game World contracts or an event!'

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Stabbity Stab Stab
Stock Specifications
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 92
Max Stability: 16
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 520
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 38
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 150
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Center Torso T.S.M.
Left Torso Body Spikes (Fixed)
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Body Spikes (Fixed)
Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Ammo SRM [Half]
Left Arm Body Spikes (Fixed)
ShankBlade (Fixed)
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser
M Laser
Right Leg Leg Spikes (Fixed)


Yarr, this be the Shanky! Why she be called that? For the Shank, of course! Shanky shanks and that's all Shanky cares about. Be ye warned not to get in Shanky's way lest ye be shanked too!


Mech Quirk: Melee Weapon

Variants of this model have a melee weapon

Pilot Affinity: Brawler

Kicks, punches, and physical weapon attacks deal 15% more damage


Mech not found with any factions, it's probably obtained from Game World contracts or an event!'

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Gladiator
Stock Specifications
Speed 7/11/0
Firepower Max Damage: 80
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 440
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 40
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 175
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Left Arm M Laser
M Laser
Right Arm M Laser
M Laser


The COM-TDK is an arena-specced Commando design used for light duels. It comes with a bone-simple loadout of quad Medium Lasers and a larger engine. Gotta go fast!


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Mech Quirk: Hero Mech

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons, -6 heat at the end of the turn, +2 increased resolve gain

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


The COM-TDK can only be found as an enemy duelist in Game Worlds contracts.

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 25T
Stock Role Light Striker & Scout
Stock Specifications
Speed 8/12/0
Firepower Max Damage: 128
Max Stability: 64
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 320
Structure: 216
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 32
Melee Kick: 25
Punch: 13
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 200
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Commando Narrow Profile (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Left Torso Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Heat Sink
Ammo SRM
Left Arm SRM4
Right Arm SRM4


Wulfbanes, along with cat pictures and an impenetrable accent, came with this mech. This Commando, affectionately called the Commando Wulfbanes, or COM-WB, is a heavily modified COM-2D. A full skeletal rebuild has been performed so that it can benefit from Endo-Steel construction. A large XL 200-rated engine gives it immense speed, while 4 SRM-4s provide focused firepower. However, the armor and heat sinks remain unmodified, making it a bit of a dangerous ride. Wulf though likes it that way.


Mech Quirk: Narrow Profile

+1 evasion pips gained from movement, +1 defense against being hit

Mech Quirk: Hero Mech

+1 accuracy with ranged weapons, -6 heat at the end of the turn, +2 increased resolve gain

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit


The COM-WB is only available through the Cat Love event chain.

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout