Federated Suns

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Federated Suns
Davion logo.png
Capital World New Avalon
Ruler Katherine Steiner-Davion
Military Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS)
Secret Service Ministry of Information, Intelligence, and Operations (MIIO) and Department of Military Intelligence (DMI)

The Federated Suns is one of the five Successor States of the Star League, located rimward and spinward of Terra. Ruled by House Davion, the Federation is the most powerful of the five, and the people of the Federation pride themselves on their self-proclaimed role as defenders of justice and liberty. The Federation is quite capable of ruthless, decisive action, though, and its idealism readily gives way to pragmatism when called for. The current ruler of the Federation, Katherine Steiner-Davion, has usurped power from the regent Yvonne. The Federation's alliance with the Lyran Commonwealth effectively ended the Third Succession War.


Davion Assault Guards

Davion Assault Guards

Davion Assault Guards

Unit Rating: Elite

The Davion Assault Guards are the premier regiment of the Federated Suns. Armed with the best materials and veering towards assault and heavy mechs, the Assault Guards have held the line against any foe and have even defeated two Capellan Chancellors in their time (killing Ilsa Liao in 2828 and forcing Dainmar Liao into suing for peace in the Second Succession War).

2nd Crucis Lancers

2nd Crucis Lancers

2nd Crucis Lancers

Unit Rating: Regular

The 2nd Crucis Lancers owe their fealty and prosperity to the Davion family, much as other Crucis Lancer formations do. However, after being badly mauled during the Succession Wars, the 2nd was deactivated for a time in order to rebuild. Now rebuilt, the 2nd stands ready to repay House Davion's faith in them by winning victories over House Davion's foes.

1st Kittery Borderers

1st Kittery Borderers

1st Kittery Borderers

Unit Rating: Garrison

The 1st Kittery Borderers date to the Second Succession War after Dainmar Liao's surrender on St. Ives. Originally raised to garrison the captured world of Kittery, the Borderers eventually slid from an elite rated unit to a regular rated one after decades of garrison duty. Still, the Borderers stand ready to resist any enemy of the Suns.

10th Lyran Guards

10th Lyran Guards

10th Lyran Guards

Unit Rating: Regular

The 10th Lyran Guards are incredibly critical of the sitting Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, Katherine Steiner, claiming she is a pretender to the throne. Because the 10th backs First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion in his bid to heal the divisions of the realm they have been blacklisted by Katherine, a situation which only encourages the unit's loyalty to the First Prince.

Note: This unit fields Regular rating Lyran (Steiner) units.

Enemy Factions

The following is a list of factions that can appear as opfor in missions while working for the Federated Suns. Additionally, while allied with the Federated Suns these factions will consider you an enemy and your reputation with them will not rise above 0:

Faction Store Inventory

The Federated Suns faction store can be accessed in any of their systems after allying with them. A list of all faction stores can be found here.


  • Faction Unique
Faction Weapons Ammunition Equipment Full 'Mechs 'Mech Parts Vehicles Battle Armor Contracts
Davion logo.png

Federated Suns (Davion)

BA Light Recoilless Rifle
BA Magshot Gauss Rifle
Cluster Bomb
HiEx Bomb
Inferno Bomb
Mech Taser
Rotary AC/2
Rotary AC/5
Ammo RAC/2
Ammo RAC/2 [Half]
Ammo RAC/5
Ammo RAC/5 [Half]
Ammo Taser
Ammo UAC/2
Ammo UAC/5
Ammo UAC/10
Ammo UAC/20
Artemis IV FCS
Autocannon FCS
Foot Roundhouse + +
Heat Sink Freezer (D)
Lower Leg Muay Thai + +
Shoulder Tackle + +
Ultra Ferro
Upper Arm Impede + +
Argus AGS-4D
Battleaxe BKX-8K
Bushwacker BSW-X1
Chimera CMA-1S
Dervish DV-7D
Enfield END-6Q
Enforcer II ENF-5D
Fireball ALM-8D
JagerMech II JM7-F
Osiris OSR-3D
Penetrator PTR-4D
Salamander PPR-5S
Super Griffin GRF-2N-X
Super Wasp WSP-2A-X
Swordsman SWD-3
Talon TLN-5W
Templar TLR1-O
Titan TI-1A
Valkyrie II VLK-II-2A
Valkyrie VLK-QD
Wasp LAM WSP-103
JagerMech II JM7-D
Valkyrie II VLK-II-2A
Paladin Prototype Defense System
Grenadier Battle Armor
Infiltrator Mk II Battle Armor
Contract for Challenger Tank Airdrop
Contract for Templar Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Grenadier BA Airdrop
Permanent Contract for Infiltrator Mk II BA Airdrop

Starting 'Mechs

The Davion start randomly selects one 'mech from each of the following five lists for your starting lance. A full list of starts can be found here.

Note: Mechs marked with an asterisk (*) are DLC exclusive and will not be included if you do not have the corresponding DLC.

Starting Planet: Kaitangata

Generic Medium: Blackjack BJ-1 Centurion CN9-A Hunchback HBK-4G Trebuchet TBT-5N Dervish DV-6M Griffin GRF-1N Shadow Hawk SHD-2H Wolverine WVR-6R Chameleon CLN-7V Crab CRB-20* Phoenix Hawk PXH-1*
Generic Light: UrbanMech UM-R90 Firestarter FS9-H Jenner JR7-D Cicada CDA-2A Commando COM-1D Valkyrie VLK-QA Hussar HSR-300-D*
Generic Bug: Locust LCT-1E Locust LCT-1V Wasp WSP-1A Wasp WSP-1L Stinger STG-3G Stinger STG-3R Hornet HNT-151 Flea FLE-15*
Davion Light: Locust LCT-3D Fireball ALM-7D Valkyrie VLK-QD Osiris OSR-3D Wolfhound WLF-1 Swordsman SWD-2
Davion Medium: Blackjack BJ-1DB Blackjack BJ-1DC Griffin GRF-1DS Centurion CN9-D Enforcer ENF-5D Dervish DV-7D Sentinel STN-3L
Generic Light Tank: Scorpion Mk II Scimitar Pegasus Harasser Hunter Saladin Galleon Savannah Master
Generic APC: Sleipnir APC Badger Tracked Transport Wheeled APC (SRM) Alsvin APC Vargr APC
Battle Armor: IS Standard IS-S-BA Infiltrator Mk II IFL-II-BA Achilles ACH-BA Grenadier GRD-BA

Faction 'Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Federated Suns
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the Davion Assault Guards
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 2nd Crucis Lancers
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 1st Kittery Borderers
Medium Mechs

Mechs fielded by the 10th Lyran Guards
Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs